Thursday, March 3, 2011

Where To Get Plan B At Walmart

war in the Middle East?

hier ein weiterer artikel des "kopp Publishing House "( link) in which Mr. Udo Ulfkotte on a possible war in the Middle East in connection with the reported therein as the spreading revolution.

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Whilst in Germany, employs a retired Defense Minister, is the world policy issues quite different dimension concerned: although Saudi Arabia has promised to compensate all the Libyan oil supply shortages, prices are rising again because of the oil markets are expected to not only other revolutions, but war and the great country Domino now revolutionary movement comes in the oil exporters.. Caspian Sea. And Saudi Arabia has not the slightest chance of recouping the threat of supply shortages. All that we currently like to hide from or politically correct. For that we will soon all together have to pay a high price - not just at gas stations.

The sparks of the revolution to jump straight over to the oil-exporting Caspian sea. Azerbaijan is one of the big new oil exporters in the region. In Baku, the youth is preparing to sweep away the regime. Countries such as Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan are extremely important for the Western appetite for energy. There is no doubt that it ferments in Azerbaijan. The regime is ready now only at a time. Also in Turkmenistan the youth is preparing for the revolt. And in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan will also not be long until we are presented with images of bloody riots on television. All this will come from the perspective of an average European's complete surprise, because the media did not even inform us about the unrest in Oman - also an oil and gas exporter. It seems that many journalists have lost the country Domino now simply an overview.
Just recently Qaboos, Sultan of Oman (in the southeast of the Arabian Peninsula), set in motion the army to quell unrest against him. Oman's oil and gas exporter, exported daily 760 000 barrels of crude oil. And the revolutionary unrest in the country are now of the absolutist sultan arrived. Oman was now among those who like to ignore the reality, as an alleged haven of stability. The many revolts against the sultan, who had defeated his army in the past, in remote areas, one in the west hidden from you. The Sultan affords a billionaire with a personal fortune of more than 50 billion dollars the largest private yachts in the world can, daily Scottish Highland lamb fillet with a private plane freshly flown in for his evening dinner at the palace in Muscat and treats herself even has its own symphony orchestra, while the young Omani masses are unemployed and without prospects. Fact: Of 40,000 Omani graduates with an advanced degree will find a year just 5 working - the rest goes directly from school into unemployment (!). This has been going for years. The Sultan has the domestic peace bought with money for years, but more and more unemployed young people simply feel more useless and revolting now. Oman is not an OPEC member and not tied to any funding rate. Now there are riots and deaths in those who had hoped to Oman will boot up with supply shortfalls, production anxious need. For as it stands, could also be the oil and gas exports from the country of the dictator Qaboos fail soon.
In neighboring Yemen, another oil exporter, it does not look different. There dictator Ali Abdullah Saleh just the U.S. and Israel holds responsible for the daily protests and growing revolutionary sentiment. Also in Yemen threatens oil supply shortages. And in Iran there is unrest. In Iraq, after bomb explosions and attacks failed two refineries for a long time. And as long as the oil exporter Algeria is still the country Domino can withstand?
there on the Internet a card, located on the (like a traffic light) is the country in which delivery failures threaten. Red stands for supply shortages and threaten them with yellow. In particular, the development Iran in troubled markets. We understand as soon see why the oil price will rise.
And what are the consequences? The country-Domino continues. The nuclear-armed Pakistan is dependent on oil imports, they must now pay dearly. The government has just increased the price of gasoline by about ten percent. The consequences are serious internal unrest, and in Pakistan it is now risky.
The West (especially the USA and the UK) is its armed forces in motion, may intervene in countries such as Libya and Oman military. The attention is on the British and Americans, so just a little distracted. And the use of the Argentines to near that of the UK claimed Falkland Islands to drill for oil. It all makes at the end of a disturbing image. On the Middle Eastern markets are the harbingers of the potential trends to feel now - panic is spreading. And it is expected war as a logical consequence of the country Dominos. Even in Europe we already feel the quake soon. None of this is really surprising. For a number of experts have analyzed the development for years and given not politically correct predictions. Many have laughed and stamped these people as crazy spinner. Now enter the forecasts. And for our ignorance, we will now have to pay all together at a high price. Whether we like it or not. Eventually the country will end up knocking Domino also to our European doors. Who laughs about it today, which should perhaps think again in peace. Because the development is completely independent of any political persuasion, ideology or religious currents. And it does not matter whether you choose now for the upcoming elections in Germany, the detergent slogans Party A, B or C. Not one of the politicians here will be able to stop the development. That's the interesting thing about the country Domino.
who has been thinking a bit, then probably also understands why the U.S. military now wants to introduce high-pressure rubber bullets for machine guns, so that rebellious crowds can (crowd control) shoot it. Also have hidden our politically correct media been simple. The country-namely Domino knock in the opinion of Louis Farrakhan soon in the U.S. on the doors.



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