Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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we are preparing ourselves of uprisings here

Here is an article of the "Kopp Verlag ( link ) reported in the gerald celente world about the great revolts.

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It's a guaranteed fact! The flood profoundly angry, inspired by the youth unrest in the Middle East and North Africa governments collapsed, changed the geopolitical landscape and fundamentally shaken the world markets - but the intelligence services of the world unprepared. Neither the CIA nor the American United General Staff nor the National Security Agency (NSA) have seen it coming. The same applies to the Mossad and MI5. And all 'the scholars, experts and think tank, struts, which are highly praised by the mainstream media so it is escaped.

But what was for some groundbreaking news is for the readers of the journal trend of the past. Already in the output of summer 2010 we wrote:
"What is happening in Greece, will spread to the economic decline of the world. Behind these protests is not an organization, it is a public outcry. Here, the slogan 'Workers of the world, unite! \u0026lt;For the 21 Century rediscovered. ... First, the strikes, riots and protests by trade unions, student groups, the unemployed, pensioners and the furious have been dismissed as the predictable (but short-lived and ineffective) response, which would either peter out or even knocked down by the police. ... The reality, however, was unofficial, as Gerald Celente had stated repeatedly warned. 'If people lose everything and have nothing to lose, they engage in,' "
In autumn 2010 pointed globanomische our methodology to the fact that the socio- deteriorating economic situation would quickly and significantly. Therefore, we warned our readers against a imminent explosion: roll "Their heads are 2.0". This title reflects the revolutionary impulse of people who supply the financial burdens that make their lives difficult, can not tolerate any longer.
lifted Below we show the importance of social media and networks (a huge trend in the waiting position) come here to upset the political balance of power and to break the grip of government control. In December 2011 we published just days before the world turned to the events in Tunisia, our "most important trends for 2011." Among them, "Journalism 2.0" was found, which, as we predicted, with Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and others virtually every citizen and every citizen a whole 'arsenal would be "digital" weapons "in hand. If young revolutionaries that take advantage of opportunities worldwide, they could bypass the corporate media and the government media, tricking the intelligence services, out-maneuver the military and the police in and the people on the streets and barricades. "
Before the riots in Tunisia and Egypt, we wrote this outbreaks would assume global proportions, and the causes behind these riots were more "bread and butter" as political issues. If the economic decline which continues, unemployment and taxes rise and services be reduced, while those who are getting poorer in the top of society getting richer while most others - will have only a revolution spread further.
But so is not seen by those who do not have seen it coming. The media, experts and politicians have the historical geopolitical events that dominate the news since the beginning of the new year, twisted. Virtually overnight, the revolutions as a courageous freedom fighters were the glorified human yearning for democracy.
But it is not the hunger for freedom that drives these people: democracy, autocracy, theocracy, Monarchy - right, center, left - it has everything to do with gut feeling, the feeling of an empty stomach. If the common people out of money, begins in the streets of the blood to flow. It's a simple equation. A few have top have too much, and too many others too little.
What's next: In response to the current unrest in the Middle East and North Africa broke the gold price is the mark of 1,400 dollars per troy ounce of oil of type "Brent Crude," you pay $ 113 per barrel (158.987 liters). The volatility of the markets seems limitless. If the violence continues to escalate, this will impact on the world.
Since the financial crisis started in August 2007 and the ensuing panic in 2008, it is Washington, which managed Federal Reserve and central banks, through economic and financial meltdown of the extent of the Great Depression different, many trillion-dollar bailouts, support measures and economic programs to . prevent For three years, these programs give the impression of a built on wishful thinking and superficial recovery that would have survived without a major geopolitical shock, perhaps up to its inevitable resolution.
But now, this shock is perceived around the world, and the illusion from the boom crumbled. Whether by design (as calculated policy) or as a result of a world shaped by fear, denial, the individual pieces are no longer together. The current unrest is not confined to the Middle East and North Africa but are, as we have said before, spread to Europe and other parts of the world. The explosive turn out this insurgency and the more massive they spread, the stronger grows the likelihood that a combination of events (for example, an oil shock, a terrorist attack, internet war or regional war) to collapse the already ailing economies finally have is with extreme Turmoil as a result.
Be prepared: The situation gets increasingly out of control. In some countries, bank and stock exchange closures very likely, as the proclamation of martial law or emergency rule. We confirm our forecast of a gold price of $ 2,000. We recommend to keep available cash and other goods necessary for life to survive emergency situations. If the worst happens, and you have not prepared, you are lost.
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