Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Remix Stems Old Songs

here a truly frightening article avarchillion the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung ( link) in the skies again in a truly Orwellian method of gleischschaltung all society is praised outlier.

target one in the brains of severely depressed people electrodes and transplant therapy by electric shocks?
can include you ask a question like that? that's like asking if I would: I can eat small fry and children? is the answer because obviously not here?
you see how in that pretty clear in good and evil divisible topic in question begins to provide the people cease to realize that measures not only on such mistaken can be given, but one is prepared to realize that something like this is actually enforced.
teulisch truly diabolical.

Already have soon after the group wants to Tiefenhirnstimmulation Mayberg, about two-thirds of the patients' condition improved significantly, "noted. Today, several years later, apparently still show similar response rates of about two-thirds - which speaks against at least one habit and increase tolerance in relation to the electrical impulses. "In addition, we observed an improvement of the general health of patients and a now-successful reintegration of patients into society," says Mayberg. More than half The study included patients in Mybergs after implantation back their work.
accurate and is the point. the people are nice, arbeiterdronen be controlled by means of electrostatic shocks. everyone begins to think and therefore may be depressed, then taught by means of better electrical shocks. Man, that reminds difficult but the stories you heard from the time of the great men of war where more or less "healthy" were tortured because it was assumed that they simulated diseases in order to evade military service can!

However, should the experience appropriate treatment of these difficult experiments, his critics within his own ranks to silence. For several years, namely by psychiatrists and neurologists who implanted those often called "brain pacemakers" designated medical units, increased psychological complications are reported to personality changes. Ironically, even depression are found among the possible side effects and over again.
what surprise .... who likes to be misconduct by electrostatic shocks in (ie, as the Almighty psychater behavior as "wrong" designated or even think) "healthy" treated?
pychatertum all this is in my eyes nothing but a really nasty pseudo science that engages more and more about him.



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