Monday, March 7, 2011

Redeem Miles Calculator

what the tax office where

here reported items (link ) of "eigentümlic free" in the fraud in the tax offices and tax courts.

We live in a world recovery efforts, financial crises and huge growing national debt. Besides numerous other abuses in Germany, we see the consequences of our failure controlled central bank and paper money system. Many interested citizens recognize the meantime.
The fast-growing financial needs of our government leads over time to an increasingly absurd behavior of all the protagonists. Financial judge in Germany hurt by clear bias in favor of the tax in a frightening way, the fundamental rights of citizens by creating a freelance commentaries and articles on legal issues and collect them from specialist publishers also fees for their own economic advantage. No one has made this offense broke the law by hundreds of active participants an entire profession yet public.
According to the verdict of the Constitutional Court to 1BvR 539/96 can legally significant doubt on the impartiality of the judge to pay if its scientific activities on the support of the parties was intended. To comparable conclusions, the Constitutional Court is also reflected in other decisions. But exactly
this is done. In proceedings before the Tax Court in Lower Saxony, for example, the legal question was to decide whether the sales tax notices of the tax office Cuxhaven against the plaintiff are invalid. With the proposals of the applicant has the 5th Senate of that court but not busy. In the court's opinion was merely referring to a comment, as it turned out in subsequent research, co-written by one of the participating judges for consideration. A clear breach of law. By law, two of the judges involved in the proceedings should have been declared partiality.
is doubtful it ever since, whether citizens complaining ever before German tax courts see more justice and can successfully sue. The success rate of such claims is currently only about 3 percent. This means that 97 percent of all complaints to be decided before the German tax courts in favor of the tax. A recognizable separation of judiciary from the executive, as prescribed by the legislature in fact, is undermined by such conduct and has not been seen for many years. It seems likely that the most part-time judge shall pay most strongly interested in its main profit-oriented interpretation of the law before the highest-level requirements of the Basic Law. It is in how many times in the press notified, to millions more.
The group of profiteers is immense. To outsiders, the judgments seem mostly harmless.
The plaintiff has simply not been right. In reality, his case a "fictional facts" has been assigned. This is similar to the well-known shell game. The many comments and articles that might be added or updated constantly, are a crucial part of this shell game. If the existing comments can not expect a suitable sentence is so long turned to the statutory formulation until it fits. The "fictional facts" are simply changed and made to fit. Once that is done, things start to spin the carousel again.
Since comment not only judges but also accountants, lawyers and senior financial officers, the match for the German number Michel is not to win. A ratio of more than 97 percent of the financial judgments against the applicant seeking legal says it all. Strangely, we examined the public debate on the reasons so far in vain.
There is a new level of "fiscal looting" was created. In the Third Reich, the system had been made racial elements as a criterion. This is no longer allowed to happiness in a democratic Germany. Contrast, virtually every citizen can now, through the introduction of "pro-fiscal mindset of the tax authorities, after line and Thread can be looted. Those who resisted it, which is the endless loop of Article 19 paragraph 4 of the Constitution assigned. "If someone is hurt by the public authority's rights, he may go to court."
The 3 percent winners in the matter are a trivial plausibility characteristic of the "absolute law-abiding behavior" of financial management. Finally, judicial review is indeed just a ridiculous margin of error of 3 percent. A simple control law, however, is beyond the cartel of Rechtsbeuger and profiteers immediately and permanently. Let me nor to the more dramatic consequences. The above facts put to the participating Judge of the Tax Courts suspicion of a criminal violation of the law reinforced by § 339 StGB close. The same applies to the officials of the Treasury. Due to the ever
authorities claim, judges or officials exercised their duties without fear or favor and without personal interest in the outcome of the trial, falls on anyone that systematically against the entire population offenses are committed. Principle of due process is out as absurd and reversed.
That it take our leaders with the provisions of the Basic Law and other existing laws in Germany is not as accurate, many people already in the introduction of the euro and the Lisbon Treaty noticed unpleasant. However, it has now reached a very different quality, when you realize how shameless the German tax authorities simply ignore existing laws and driving citizens of our country mercilessly into economic ruin. This raises the question of who these officers are actually. The people, as required by the Basic Law, or masters, the people and the Constitution are obviously indifferent?



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