Tuesday, March 8, 2011

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mad world financial climate activism

actually here's a good article in the "world" ( link), in the madness of the activism of the climate reports.

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solar energy, swine flu, one-way deposit - and now E10: catastrophism has been frequently jerk reaction to the government.

The chaos that was totally unprepared for the introduction of biofuel E10 across the country is beyond belief to citizens. It is not unprecedented. When it comes to the welfare of people and nature when disasters are painted on the wall, collapsing climate, waste crisis, swine flu and similar doomsday scenarios, the activism is not far off.

During the meeting on Tuesday E10-summit in Berlin in order to achieve damage limitation at the recent Gotham string of energy policy, is the last flop in this area is far from over: the exuberant Promotion of solar power. The amounts by which the electricity consumers millions of roofs in the country subsidized, which were equipped with photovoltaic panels are unaffordable. So much so that the federal government now hurry, this forced submission of schedule to reduce train to train, at last, even with the consent of the solar industry. Reason: The expansion has increased unexpectedly strong. Mindful of the fact that solar energy, despite this surprise boom in the energy supply of the country remains almost no role plays and is concentrated on the question of the energy-political sense and all, - especially I suppose in the event that the expansion planned, so would have been lower.

reminds a bit of buyers' strike for biofuel to the drama of the vaccination against swine flu half years ago. Even then you can untenable scenarios about the death rates in the next winter led to a startled federal government in association with a grateful pharmaceutical industry provides tens of millions of doses of vaccine. The expectation that the Germans would now be lining up at the up vaccination was not fulfilled. Almost closed the nation entered the Impfstreik, comparable to the denial today with the new fuel. His awareness of the risks and side effects in both cases was higher than that of the government and industry in this Case, quite rightly, as it turned out afterwards. The side effects of doses of vaccine for the common people - there were also more mature, more compliant versions for select circles - he soon fell out as a greater threat than the swine flu itself

designed no less chaotic, the introduction of the mandatory deposit, which was preceded by a long preparation time . In addition to the - by now conceded - it was the second nuclear phase-environmental measure, the Red-Green was proud. In contrast, the population outweighed the entry into force of the rule in 2003, first the anger. Cans, plastic and glass bottles, not the reuse system subject to cost, when purchasing from now "pledge" - the meaning of the word, however, spoke scornfully. If the container is not returned back in place, it was simply about a surcharge on the purchase price refunded a nobody. Train to train managed beverage industry, commerce and government by 2006 at least, that the way packaging could be returned to Germany.

with pride in this work should retain the previous red-green environmental policy but because of the goal she pursued with the new arrangement at the time, we are now further away than ever. As a reason for the way deposit at the time argued that the Proportion of reusable beverage containers in 1997, dropped to below 72 percent. A turnaround was not achieved since then, on the contrary: according to the Association for Consumer Research is the percentage will even up to 2008 dropped to 31 percent. This spectacular failure, however, plays no role in today's debate is more, according to recent findings, however much the question of whether reusable or disposable having a better ecological balance.
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Simple, particularly popular wisdom according to "Biofuel is good," "disposable is bad", "Solar energy always pays off", "new forms of flu are always fatal" can often not be challenged enough, especially if they are to serve in support of policies. Thus, the mounds of garbage piled higher and higher no longer with us, often go to waste incinerators, which are now more air conditioning units from the waste, which they can turn it into clean energy. That paper bags have a better environmental performance than plastic bags, is more controversial than ever. The "Encyclopedia of Ökoirrtümer" by Dirk Maxeiner and Michael Miersch lists a number of similar small and large cases where they need inherited wisdom of the correction.

Globally such wisdom can ever have fatal consequences. About when, as happened since the 80's, is to DDT demonized an innocent agent against insects and therefore prohibited, and 30 to 40 million people have died of malaria. If outrageous incantations of a worldwide organic farming in the coming decades should help that should be withheld in development assistance to farmers in Africa, for much needed fertilizer.
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