Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cedar Count Austin Feb 3

here a very good article of the "infokrieg.tv ( link) in the main was over (in Karlsruhe Federal Constitutional Court) in contrast to very unimportant (for example, PhD ^ ^).

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No - this blog is not treated by the University of Bayreuth "Summa cum laude" in "Summa cum fraude" misdeclared dissertation work of the National Defense. As much as this issue would also provide for more detailed reasoning about the state of our elites: there is no-longer-in this our country, unfortunately, potentially still many orders of magnitude HIGHER Settled highest fraud. Currently, records such as in Karlsruhe ...

Wait with the five applicant professor at the long overdue decision by the Constitutional Court on the legality of the Bundestag in May 2010 adopted "rescue funds" for Greece and for all other EFSF recipient countries? Well - we live in a very free country with the highest maximum independent judges. The highest of them has to x reminders and warnings simply have very short of Karlsruhe Olympus (or even of his secret command post in the Brussels EU Commission?) down go: Of all things in it conceivable "appropriate" under the annual press reception of the Constitutional Court two days ago, President Voßkuhle that "currently available on any of the proceedings in Karlsruhe process [only] a hearing scheduled" was ... This is in the way, with information including the limits plaintiffs Prof. Kerber and Prof. Starbatty, which the court is similar for months non-answers in such an important case (which were rejected in May 2010 key applications for injunctive relief!) is hard to bend the law and deportation. Or aid to the continued misappropriation of taxpayers' money in a very serious case.

In an inconspicuous short news piece today Print-FAZ you learn about this after 10 months of course highly unsatisfactory non-statement Voßkuhle then something more: the as so often anonymous unofficial court spokesman and "observers" to know about the attitude of the responsible Voßkuhle Senate the following: keep "it is conceivable that [even without hearing ...] but soon a decision is announced. This is especially possible if the Constitutional Court passes on the case to the ECJ for a preliminary decision [sic]. This suggests lying, since it covers the core questions of European law, ie it - namely, the alleged breach of the prohibition on assistance (no bail-out clause) in the EU Treaties [Article 125 FEU Treaty]. In addition, the judges would be able to meet the criticism that they [...] never had a case presented in Luxembourg. [Sic] "
So far so bad. Breathing, we first of all through. Although seldom a German court has made such an insolence announce. Let this casus systematically:
1) finding: Although in May 2010 (and even now before the establishment of "permanent emergency parachute" ESM at least EUR 500 billion) giant damage to the German people was to ward off urgently, refused to Constitutional Court by the time the application for injunction that called urgent legal and public protection! See details under "Do you want total €?

2) Finding: The lawsuits have been running for almost 10 months. So far kept Voßkuhle & Co. is set to not bother to even a hearing. The already since April 2010 predicted by all realistic observers claim has now taken place, not just been surpassed. From [originally by the Eulit even as "good business" for D declared ...] EUR 23 billion in loans are already 10 months later than 700 billion EUR grown! And the upcoming parliamentary decision as the "European Stability mechanism ESM "opens the door to me in 'Versailles without war" itemises EUR 2.5 trillion, or 40,000 tons of completely abstruse Gold!
See, eg "The € devours its children", "absurd amateur theater in parliament", "EU says bank crises to natural disasters", "EFSF: The nightmare of every constitutional law expert," "Everything is political," "The coup of Brussels" or "Versailles without war" 3, or ...

) It is a scandal in itself, it appears that the "representatives" organs Bundestag and Bundesrat in this so enormously important case "ESM" means the decision from Karlsruhe not want to wait. Professor Starbatty therefore calls today, one-way in the FAZ unfortunately unspecified "citizen complaints", with the hasty approval of the parliament should not be stopped by the Federal Constitutional Court.

4) That there is still paid media apologists Eulit, was only just in the previous blog "High time the Euro-claque" once again shows an example. And now again, reptiles rhetorical power will come from the cracks and repeat the mantra: "They are merely guarantees and indemnities, you silly bloggers. This is yet NIIIIEMALS-cash! The taxpayer can be reassured. We protect just the for Germany so enormously profitable and existentially important Euro with manageable guarantees "...
Blub Blub Blub. Do you remember the 120 + billion EUR in state guarantees for the bankrupt bank HRE? What we have been told not anything to justify this incredibly expensive "rescue" of HRE "only temporary", "will be reimbursed," the assets of the HRE are almost 100% recoverable, "" we store only one bathroom Bank to enable the full bearing assets can be settled in peace and without losses without fire sales ", etc. etc. And what has
Taxpayers today? Like others here said in the blog, the HRE-bad bank assets will be written off to an extremely high percentage. From a purely political and "system-saving" reasons definite guarantees and guarantees of the state are largely lost. That was at the HRE no different than it is to be with "guarantees" for bonds of Greece, Ireland and all other recipient countries, the transfer Euros! How could it be otherwise - after all, is the "wealth" or "demands" of the HRE in large parts of those same toxic bonds PIIGS States, now with German tax billion via ECB EFSF, by BuBa-340-billion-EUR-"overdraft" or will be acquired by ESM - uh "guaranteed" to be!
Even the head of the WiWo found in his latest editorial "redistribution pump" this now very clear words: "Please remember the easy explanations, and that guarantees are not due or that they were limited period only. In fact, it is about the establishment of a gigantic redistribution pump detriment of Germany "Please also read the nearly 500 comments on this article WiWo - with very clear tenor, which all carry out a large majority of our still." Representatives " in the Bundestag or the Federal Constitutional Court! We therefore finally
noted: "Liability / guarantee / warranty = German delayed payment" This is a principle in the transfer-EU! And a conditio sine qua non. The EU would be later in the task of this action mechanism, a week tale. And that would be a good thing, as the German Michel has no desire to "cost what it wants."

5) And surely we will hear before the upcoming Federal Constitutional Court, non-decision again the "state-supporting" argument that, in Karlsruhe, but no policy that can be made - but that euro decisions are necessarily purely political decisions that only Berlin to be taken. Unfortunately, but as the Bundestag in Berlin for years (and especially in matters of euro bailout) a large EUlitäre coalition of at least 75-90% of the MPs against an almost equally strong REFUSAL front against euro rescue in the population. And because anti-EU parties in this oh-so-democratic "republic" consistently been in the foundation stage and if necessary even at the local level are sabotaged or usurped illegally, politics can not just be made ONLY in the Bundestag in Berlin. The fight must be worn again and again to where should sit [now please, not again spiteful and know-it reader comments ...] the stronghold of the law in this Republic! In Karlsruhe, just!
should be 6) and even worse it would be unforgivable if Voßkuhle the above announcement, the case just leave to the Court to make true! First, it is absurd that it only 3 days before and after nearly a year of delay tactics notice that "these actions in the core to European Law" is about. And second would be this trivial statement in ANY suitable way to justify the submission of the case "to the preliminary decision" after Luxembourg [!]: The Federal Constitutional Court could be at a charge calculated in this potential trillion-heavy case, and calculated the in EU matters of course, prejudiced and highly partisan ECJ decide just as his self-abolition. If potentially Ten German Federal budgets (!) from the federal per-euro transfer to other EU countries are to be given away, it should not be a matter for the German people and thus of the "German" Federal Constitutional Court under Voßkuhle?? That would be just absurd! A charge of this case, the "preliminary decision" to Luxembourg would mE a betrayal act the same. Even the ruling of Lisbon Voßkuhle'sche 06/30/2009 I had in 'Not in the name of the people "severely criticized. The now emerging NEWS delay tactics and self-deprivation and this ultimate kowtow before the Constitutional Court of the EU Leviathan would definitely unforgivable! Even if the case - decided in advance "and after ? 4 years - should come from the ECJ back to Karlsruhe are up then the above output 40,000 tons of gold equivalent in the form of German transfer Euros and irrevocably lost! The (remaining) Germany's sovereignty would be purely economic order also perdu and the core right of national parliaments called "budget authority" would have been wasted needlessly. Even in our own Lisbon Rating Voßkuhle had an explicit national untouchable "room for the political formation of the economic, cultural and social condition" is defined, can not intervene in the Europe. This includes, of course, the budget law - especially when it comes to the European scheduling several future Federal budgets! Even measured on its own terms, would be by the Bundestag in a bipartisan coup planned establishment of a permanent and boundless rescue screen is crystal clear and clearly unconstitutional. A charge of several currently pending and yet to come rescue and transfer €-negotiating cases to the ECJ would therefore be much more than just refusing to work of the highest German court. It would aid the trillion-serious existential threat to this country and misappropriation of national wealth and control substance. Even in generations not yet born today future debt slaves Eulit the curse and its paid shyster. Overindebtedness poverty is (still) not an inevitable fate of this country. But the Eulit are inevitable to make its way to this fate for millions of people!

Summa cum fraude - with the highest fraud!
------------------------------------------------- avarchillion --------


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