Sunday, March 6, 2011

What Do You Say To A Friend Diagnosed With Herpes

here is more important items of "info war news" ( link ) reported in the madness on the BKA and the new Stasi.

------------ The delusions of some politicians and how the FAZ reports especially our new Interior Minister, seem boundless. On the wire of the Federal Trojan can be quite a bit more acrobatics than suggested by the first exit lässst view. Unfortunately, the citizens do not really have a clear view, can decide how quickly an authority to declare someone a threat. The impact on privacy would be catastrophic.

Can you imagine that you settles on a trip or return a Trojan horse on your laptop or other technological devices? Yes, upon arrival in Germany!
you have an idea that makes such a program on your system? Screenshots every 30 seconds, as logging every keystroke, record every page you requested.
Something like you could happen in North Korea but never in Germany, you think? Error! And when it comes to our new Home Secretary, it is the custom.
Integrated webcams or microphones provide, if required, the same still the best images or sounds, is not that perfect? Now you can say that the officials will have proffessional affairs, but I resist it I have, however, that I shall, in such a way, no spying going.
Many thoughts and ideas, feelings and conversations are now saved on the PC, transfer and sharing, you really want that one has the possibility to-follow EVERYTHING? May

threatens When entering bugging

smuggle the state at the customs check at the airport in secret spying programs on private computers:

Here are some lines from the FAZ? The gap between the clear statements of the law on data protection and its vague interpretation in practice is increasing.
suspects in criminal cases has recently been secretly spying on German airports smuggling software on the computer. The case has been a rarity: a concerned official investigation of business travelers was cheered during a customs check an unobtrusive program that remotely controlled and spied on his computer.

[...] Not only is the new interior minister comes from Bavaria, but also the idea of such an attack is lawful. The application of the constitutionally dubious discovery method is in the south appeared to be common practice [1].

The source telecommunication surveillance is another step in a direction that actually no citizen should want to have. Mental pornography I would call it, even an electronic strip-tease.
Considering the sum of existing and targeted monitoring tools, is really just a spin. Here I would like
explzit again to our interview with the EU Pralamentarier Alexander Alvaro put your heart where we discussed these issues and in particular on the INDECT program.
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