Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Mild Reversal Of The Normal Cervical

the American military is a stock market crash?

here an article from "mmnews ( link) is the speculated about the impact of the unrest in the Middle East on the world financial system have.

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The events in the Middle East and North Africa are being ignored by the stock market so far. But soon the unrest could spread to the stock exchange. Gold and silver as the only salvation from future turbulence in capital markets.

business as usual in the global markets. The events in the Middle East and North Africa are ignored. But that could change soon. When the satellites sink into anarchy in the West, this is not without significant consequences for the economy. More, the unrest could put the financial system, even the death blow, because now all depends on the balance. Disturbances of any kind could sooner this house of cards bring to collapse as some people think. If this happens, the stock market crash and thus the world financial system. DAX Dow 2000 and 3000 were still optimistic assumptions.

Here, the risk did not even so much from a strongly rising oil price. A new oil price record in the wake of the unrest in the oil-exporting countries is just a nail in the coffin for the energy-addicted West. Much stronger are the effects on the economy when the oil-rich countries fail than those customers.

You have to be a great optimist even to accept that in the affected countries with new governments soon everything returns back to the agenda. Quite the contrary: The unrest will spread further, and recognize those parts of the Middle East, which until now are still considered "immune". That such as Oman, men on the street, would only last week no one thought possible.

But the protests will not stop in the previously held to be safe Oman. They will go further and finally capture the artificial glitter cities in the Persian Gulf: Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Qatar and eventually Saudi Arabia. The stock exchanges to develop and take there first: The shares in Dubai fell to a 6-year low. The uncertainty in the Middle East is at once a death sentence for the credit bubbles in the Persian Gulf. go with them all the banks that financed the boom negligence nonsensical desert projects. You must think very naively be that this has no consequences for the West.

What is certain also that the workers will rebel in China. Because in principle to prevail in a vast empire, the same conditions as in the places where now taking place, the revolution, poor people without a future, exploited to the bone and drained by a brutal regime, which has degenerated to the extended workbench of the western turbo-capitalism. Under inhumane conditions slaves away a billion-army of slaves, so that we can buy cheap flat screens. That this is not going well, obvious. No matter how dictatorial regime will therefore be able to stop the uprising. A rebellion that provokes in principle by the West has been.

If falling dominoes of the global slave regime, then breathed and the West from his life. A stock market crash is inevitable. Therefore, it is certainly advisable for investment in the cyclical, economy-dependent titles go out and go more on the safe side. Of course it is still not too late for gold and silver - despite higher prices. For the global revolution, ultimately, the dollar will devalue and ruin it all currencies relative to gold and silver.
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