Thursday, March 3, 2011

Single Dune Buggy Plans

rising food prices?

hier ein artikel von "mmnews" is ( link ) reporting on the rising global food prices.

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The rising price of oil and food threatens to strangle the expected consumption growth. Study: Inflation at risk up to 30 billion euros of purchasing power. Oil price means $ 150 extra spending of 500 € per household for energy alone.

The rising price of oil and food threatens to strangle the expected consumption growth. This is the result of a study of the major bank Unicredit, which is present the daily "Die Welt" (Donnersstagausgabe). On Wednesday the cost of a barrel of crude oil of the variety Brent 115 euros, the study's authors expect that the price of oil has stabilized this year at 110 dollars a barrel. Then, each household would need an average of more than 200 € per year in addition to spend on heating and gasoline - the equivalent of half a percent of disposable income.

burden addition, the rising price of food to consumers. The economists of UniCredit expect that food is more expensive by four percent this year. This means that consumers have to spend 5.6 billion euros in addition to food, the authors of the study, present the "world". Overall, the economists have calculated reduce the rising prices of energy and food, the purchasing power of the Germans by more than 13 billion euros - or 0.8 percent of disposable income.

much bigger worries economists, that oil prices could jump further up. At a price of oil back to the pre-crisis high of $ 150 per barrel on average, households would spend an additional € 500 per year for energy. The purchasing power of citizens would be reduced in this case because of higher prices for oil and food to more than 20 billion €. Economists expect even the increases of food prices added, the effect is much higher: "With an oil price of $ 150 per barrel would be charged to the purchasing power of up to two percent of disposable income," said Alexander Koch in "The World". That would be more than 30 billion €.
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and here an article of the "Kopp Verlag ( link) in the feared about the unrest in America because of drastically rising prices for food are reported.

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If the soaring, the prices on the commodity exchanges recognized middle to the end of this year, then the whole food system, it could be similar to food Inflation rates as 2008 are afraid of the U.S. Department of Agriculture economist Ephraim Leibtag at the annual outlook forum of its authority. And the situation should be dramatically and rapidly unfolding, could be expected even with food riots and other unrest.

The Ministry expects a price increase of 3.5 percent this year, which would amount to almost double the inflation rate, but still below the inflation in 2008 would, it said in a recent report by the Reuters news agency. 2008, food prices rose by 5.5 percent, which was the highest increase since 1990. But the danger that food prices could also rise dramatically as three years ago, can not be dismissed out of hand, but very real
"Since we are only at the beginning of the year, I am with my prediction more reticent, said Leibtag. "It is possible," he added, included the possibility of a massive food price inflation is similar as in 2008, no.
Leibtag then outlined the range of price increases, which expects his agency: Different types of meat, poultry and fish, are expected to increase by four percent, while fruit and vegetables by 3.5 percent, and cereals and bakery products, prices are likely increase by four percent. On sugar and sweets Assuming a price increase of three percent. All in all, these growth rates by 20 to 60 percent higher than the inflation rates of the past year.
2008, it was because of food shortages and dramatic price increases in 25 different countries to unrest. This year, such events could repeat themselves, and this time were probably due to the depreciation of the dollar, crop losses and other economic factors affecting the U.S. itself.
These warnings should rouse the American people and to move their country even edit their own, and to build local and regional level, more food. According to the Farm Aid organization, that lobbies for family farms left, since the 30s of last century, lost more than five million American farms. And every week, giving another 330 farmers to operate. Should this development continue, the situation would worsen further.
were displaced throughout the country in the region anchored largely working family farms of industrial agriculture, large companies (with factory farming and intensive farming). And the subsidization of genetically modified seeds by the government will only lead to more small family businesses that lose their farm - and thus exacerbate the problem.
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