Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Kates Playground Make Out
here (link ) items of "info war news" is shown in which it is clear that a burglar probably just before the stock exchange.
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Some fundamental things seem right now to change. Above all, the interest rate policies of major central banks. Until recently, no one would have expected an increase in interest rates, however, requires China to the clamps and forces reactions. A stock market guru was now again his opinion and not necessarily reflect confidence. Come now quickly, what to come?
The policy of easy money has driven the stock markets before it, that a dizzy Soon could be. True to the motto "The Sky's the limit", there seemed to be no hold. Although many fundamentals have actually spoken a different language, a high was made at a time. If you believe Roland Leuschel, who made his reputation as a stock market guru, it will be over so soon and the disenchantment of the markets considerably.
in 1987 and 2008, he predicted the crash very well and he is not the kind of guru every week caused a crash while talking inevitably lead times are right. He warned not often, but when he was generally very good.
Other analysts and market observers see great dangers for the moment the markets . Come When the point enters exactly, no one can say exactly, but one thing is clear: to kick start the markets are, nothing holds, then no PPT or anyone else think the markets.
brief word from the world of Roland Leuschel:
Since then, he is on the way back to its all-time high of 8151 points, a good ten percent still separate him from that mark. High time to ask again in crash prophets. If the crash this time off, Mr. Leuschel? "You know, I'm used to with my views on stand alone," he says. "And, believe it or not, the signs of a severe correction in equity markets increase. Call it crash or not. The market will correct by 15 to 20 percent "
he would be concerned looks on the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa but also in Greece. "We see on television and think, we go for nothing. But that can quickly come to us than we can imagine, "he fears. Leuschel itself has drawn consequences: His house on the Portuguese Algarve has he upgraded with security systems.
[...] In addition to the index papers, allow it to participate in falling stock prices, the skeptic maintains its recommendation for precious metals. 70 percent of its assets in gold and silver, he thought, some physically, partly as a publicly traded commodity funds (ETCs). "This indeed any advice is contrary to the reasonable distribution of wealth, but shows only my skepticism about the paper currencies," said Leuschel [1].
All signs point to storm and both the extremely high oil prices, but also its possible interest rate increases will make your tribute demand. Thus, one should at least set from April on a more turbulent times, and one is positioned in the stock market, protect the deposit accordingly.
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What Does Cake Boss Use As Icing?
an article here (link ) of "peculiarly free" in the the context of mass unemployment is reported with systems such as the social market economy.
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The mixed economy and the phenomenon of mass unemployment
mass unemployment is not inevitable and not a natural state, it is the more powerful side effect of a particular economic form of organization - the mixed economy. Even before the First World War - in a period of relatively unregulated labor markets - the permanent mass unemployment was a social problem with impact largely unknown. Only in the twenties of this phenomenon occurred in the order in appearance, should attain historical significance.
A socialist regime will have many problems but no problems to deal with people. Neither the Soviet Union, or for Nazi Germany, neither North Korea nor the unemployment statistics for Cambodia was a reason for concern. Work is always enough there: You can let people dig a ditch, build a tank or sandbags can take from one to the other side of the road and back again. In real socialism, it was the absolute compulsion, in the pure market economy, the unlimited freedom that ensures that unemployment is not even in severe economic crises to a mass phenomenon. Downturns led to falling wages and difficult working conditions, but even with heavy declines unemployment rarely reached the level that is heard today in many states to normal.
unemployment as a political and social phenomenon arose in systems that are neither pure market economy, nor are purely socialist. Modern mass unemployment occurs mainly in countries with a mixed economy. When the Khmer Rouge, there was no unemployment, nor with Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Even in the existing strong market-oriented states, such as in modern Hong Kong or Singapore, even high unemployment rates below the threshold considered to be low in other industrialized countries is.
To explain the modern phenomenon of mass unemployment, one must understand how the system of mixed economy collide two opposing components. In the mixed economy, a system of partial freedom applies to a system of forced part. Both must work together to produce the modern phenomenon of mass unemployment. Under socialism, the setting requirements and the working conditions are laid down. In the pure market economy, there is no obligation to hire someone, but the conditions of employment are in the area of freedom of contract. In the mixed economy, however there is the provision that the contractor is free to anyone set or not set, but he has not freedom to determine the terms on which he does.
have, since the entrepreneur to not hire someone, they make more frequent use of this option, if the conditions that legally sanctioned by collective agreements, minimum wages and the like, they are not attractive. The less attractive these conditions are, the more often they will choose to forego settings. As I said, it is not socialism in this choice, and in the pure market economy, there are no restrictive conditions. It is therefore of the so-called middle way between pure market economy and socialism, which is particularly vulnerable to mass unemployment. Since the policy of force in this middle way the entrepreneur can not stop the unemployed, but also the conditions of this grant does not want to do this to his ideas, there are many job seekers, who are not recruited by entrepreneurs.
While the entrepreneur does not stop, then he is off the hook. If he stops, he must pay a certain salary, pay taxes, must undertake to lay off the set after a certain time under certain circumstances, and he shall not reveal any preference in terms of age, race, religion or gender . The trader may choose to instead prefer to hire people to set up a machine or have them do the work abroad. The potential entrepreneur but may also decide to establish not only the company. You can invest the money instead on the international capital market or squandered.
As long as you decide to start a company to hire anyone and not to invest, one is free. Once you decide to do it, one is subjected to a comprehensive regulatory framework. Companies are actually classified as public entities. If you are throwing a private party, you can smoke as much as you want if you opened an inn, are there specific rules. This means at the moment in which to convert cash into a business investment that converts to his own wealth at the same time in a public institution.
This can be entrepreneurs will be reluctant to become entrepreneurs or existing companies to bring it to exercise its right, not potential candidate can. As the state force in the mixed economy the entrepreneur can indeed, as it employs people, but not to the fact that it employs people, nor to establish a business in, it must concern themselves with the people in the jobs created by it conditions are not set. Theoretically, government could simply all people , Set and there was statistically full employment. Such is the socialism. On a stone age level that's no problem. One can assume that this system of full employment in North Korea works reasonably well.
The question is not how to deal with people is the question of how to finance their livelihood. Totalitarian systems can achieve this by lowering the standard of living accordingly. Depending on how far advanced this system is to measure the allocations no longer in monetary terms, but in calories.
In the modern welfare democracy, there are not only the ideal of full employment, but also the implicit and explicit promises a certain standard of living. Unlike dictatorships dissatisfaction can be articulated. During the dictatorship of the newsreel happy workers, shows the clear go to work, although they are hungry, the media have in a democracy, an army of long faces, to complain about low wages and inadequate benefits. Therefore, the state guarantees a certain standard of living, the cost for this he denies by borrowing. Unlike in previous centuries, it is not war, but the social costs, which are responsible for most of the national debt.
At the end of the 20th Century had not been victorious capitalism over communism, as which has been often described. Rather, the mixed economy had survived state socialism as the one-eyed man to the blind. Mass unemployment and public debt are part of a historical epoch. Unemployment, high debt and inflation rates are associated with this system. This era began in the 20th Century and has continued until today.
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Inspiron 1520 No Supported Camera Detected
actually here's a good article in the "world" ( link), in the madness of the activism of the climate reports.
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solar energy, swine flu, one-way deposit - and now E10: catastrophism has been frequently jerk reaction to the government.
The chaos that was totally unprepared for the introduction of biofuel E10 across the country is beyond belief to citizens. It is not unprecedented. When it comes to the welfare of people and nature when disasters are painted on the wall, collapsing climate, waste crisis, swine flu and similar doomsday scenarios, the activism is not far off.
During the meeting on Tuesday E10-summit in Berlin in order to achieve damage limitation at the recent Gotham string of energy policy, is the last flop in this area is far from over: the exuberant Promotion of solar power. The amounts by which the electricity consumers millions of roofs in the country subsidized, which were equipped with photovoltaic panels are unaffordable. So much so that the federal government now hurry, this forced submission of schedule to reduce train to train, at last, even with the consent of the solar industry. Reason: The expansion has increased unexpectedly strong. Mindful of the fact that solar energy, despite this surprise boom in the energy supply of the country remains almost no role plays and is concentrated on the question of the energy-political sense and all, - especially I suppose in the event that the expansion planned, so would have been lower.
reminds a bit of buyers' strike for biofuel to the drama of the vaccination against swine flu half years ago. Even then you can untenable scenarios about the death rates in the next winter led to a startled federal government in association with a grateful pharmaceutical industry provides tens of millions of doses of vaccine. The expectation that the Germans would now be lining up at the up vaccination was not fulfilled. Almost closed the nation entered the Impfstreik, comparable to the denial today with the new fuel. His awareness of the risks and side effects in both cases was higher than that of the government and industry in this Case, quite rightly, as it turned out afterwards. The side effects of doses of vaccine for the common people - there were also more mature, more compliant versions for select circles - he soon fell out as a greater threat than the swine flu itself
designed no less chaotic, the introduction of the mandatory deposit, which was preceded by a long preparation time . In addition to the - by now conceded - it was the second nuclear phase-environmental measure, the Red-Green was proud. In contrast, the population outweighed the entry into force of the rule in 2003, first the anger. Cans, plastic and glass bottles, not the reuse system subject to cost, when purchasing from now "pledge" - the meaning of the word, however, spoke scornfully. If the container is not returned back in place, it was simply about a surcharge on the purchase price refunded a nobody. Train to train managed beverage industry, commerce and government by 2006 at least, that the way packaging could be returned to Germany.
with pride in this work should retain the previous red-green environmental policy but because of the goal she pursued with the new arrangement at the time, we are now further away than ever. As a reason for the way deposit at the time argued that the Proportion of reusable beverage containers in 1997, dropped to below 72 percent. A turnaround was not achieved since then, on the contrary: according to the Association for Consumer Research is the percentage will even up to 2008 dropped to 31 percent. This spectacular failure, however, plays no role in today's debate is more, according to recent findings, however much the question of whether reusable or disposable having a better ecological balance.
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Simple, particularly popular wisdom according to "Biofuel is good," "disposable is bad", "Solar energy always pays off", "new forms of flu are always fatal" can often not be challenged enough, especially if they are to serve in support of policies. Thus, the mounds of garbage piled higher and higher no longer with us, often go to waste incinerators, which are now more air conditioning units from the waste, which they can turn it into clean energy. That paper bags have a better environmental performance than plastic bags, is more controversial than ever. The "Encyclopedia of Ökoirrtümer" by Dirk Maxeiner and Michael Miersch lists a number of similar small and large cases where they need inherited wisdom of the correction.
Globally such wisdom can ever have fatal consequences. About when, as happened since the 80's, is to DDT demonized an innocent agent against insects and therefore prohibited, and 30 to 40 million people have died of malaria. If outrageous incantations of a worldwide organic farming in the coming decades should help that should be withheld in development assistance to farmers in Africa, for much needed fertilizer.
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Monday, March 7, 2011
Global Software Monopoly
an article here (link ) of "propaganda front" in an article by bob chapman ( link ) is translated.
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The world financial system depends on the ropes. Any future currency will have to have some sort of gold or silver cover to endure and accept multilaterally to be
The Federal Reserve says we need inflation to deal with the debt overhang. Inflation creates no jobs, but only the distorted prices. The head of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, said that he could quit at any time with inflation, if it deems it necessary. This is not true because inflation should be exposed to take over the command and deflation, the economy would collapse.
There is no fine-tuning the instrument by which these two opposing effects on could be turned off and. The inflationary measures were blatantly and have been used in far too strong extent. This is the exact opposite of that with which the U.S. central bank was actually charged. Your task is to promote price stability and full employment, so in reality is still to the rescue of the banking system.
Within the past 3 years trying to FED, the banks will be to assist the process of getting rid of their toxic assets. These efforts could continue for another 5 years. The banks currently hold more toxic assets than ever before.
These problematic plants are the result of excessive lending and excessive speculation in the years 2003 and 2008 and a low interest rates that has lasted much too long.
In 2007 we became aware of these toxic assets for the first time in perceived quality and scope. Most of these bad assets from banks are still in the books - but the Bank for International Settlements, the FASB accounting body, the tax authorities and the government did not interfere because here is a double-entry accounting is practiced. If you wish to work in your company with such methods would Them to prison, the financial sector and transnational banks but this is perfectly fine.
That was the only reason why durgeführt was the first round of quantitative easing (QE1). QE1 was exclusively for the rescue of the financial industry and other elitist groups. The toxic assets that have not yet been sold to the U.S. central bank slumber, still in the bank balance sheets - perhaps forever.
The Federal Reserve created by the inflation of assets to be raised artificially, it seems that the bad assets to rise in price, although in reality not the case. By banks, trading houses and other toxic assets held, once only 30% of their nominal value, were worth, are now worth even less.
The whole global inflation may change the value of these assets nothing. Certainly, inflation may help in the meantime to provide for revenue, it will eventually benefit nothing. Long term, these strategies do not work. The current and future interest payments on the debt will be larger than the generated revenue.
The QE2 number in the amount of USD 900 billion is nonsense. When QE2 is over, the measures will amount to $ 1.7 trillion, so its almost twice as high.
QE1 will ensure that there will be in the U.S. by the end of this year a real inflation rate of 14%. QE2 will make in 2012 for 25% to 30% inflation. QE3 will take us to the hyperinflation. Monetization will have the say.
The die is cast, and it is unfortunate to see disturbing, as Mr Bernanke is lying to the U.S. Congress. What will he tell them if he has to concede that he had printed $ 1.7 trillion, we monetised the funds and turned in inflation, while the official interest rate was kept just above zero and the real interest rate for the 10-year U.S. government bond increased to 4.25% and 5.25% is? The American public will take your breath away.
Once again: The Federal Reserve and the U.S. banking system stuck in a trap from which there is no escape. If they raise the key rate, this leads to financial collapse. If they hold the key rate further down, so they could still go back QE2, which would also lead to a collapse of the economy, just as in 1992 in Japan, where the depression is still continuing. Both decisions would catapult the U6 unemployment in the United States to over 37% to the level of 1933.
Even worse: if the Fed located in the balance of assets would be valued at market prices, the U.S. central bank would be bankrupt - a situation that already for some time now has its validity.
It is not surprising that the Federal Reserve and the bankers who own the Federal Reserve does not want the FED will be subject to review and thoroughly investigated. Any bond sales by the Fed would lead to a further fall in prices and rise in yields on the bonds, which would mean an additional burden on the economy.
The majority of the stocks held by the Fed, are mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations, which date from QE1 than is the lender, selected transnational corporations and the insurance companies saved.
Would you rate the stocks of the FED at market prices, the U.S. central bank would officially broke, what it is already reality. To show you how precarious the situation is to be noted here that the capital of the U.S. central bank amounted to USD 60 billion while the balance of approximately $ 3 trillion has been inflated.
Now you know why the real interest rate was kept so low. The stock and bond markets must be kept artificially above, so that the balance sheet of the FED does not collapse. What many do not realize is that virtually everything is in the balance sheet of the Fed, created out of nothing and was monetizes.
A Part of this flight capital and loan made sure that the deflationary undercurrents were offset, and another part was exported to foreign budgets and percolates the rest of inflation now in the economy.
We are now in the early days is a runaway inflation and the Fed is well aware. You will make yourself honestly, whether or not worried that people will under which lose their life savings. They make only worried about the financial sector, so the owners of the FED, the Government and the international corporations.
Inflation will not revive the economy, but rather additional obstacle. It does not create jobs, which is now already completely obvious. These are all lies - smoke grenades and psychological warfare. By QE1 and QE2
U.S. inflation was exported to all parts of the world. This inflation will continue to grow daily and record the entire financial world. Food prices have shot through the roof, and in countries where food costs consume 75% of income, these price increases have led to the overthrow of governments. Even the prices for clothes triple.
The cause of these problems are the central banks in the U.S. and Europe, and their controlling banks. There is nothing more than a gigantic fraud, just like the "too big to fail" paradigm. It will happen no economic recovery. The only thing that will happen is that efforts be continued to maintain this criminal enterprise continues.
rises as inflation will also increase unemployment. Salaries are stagnant, so that the chosen elitists are able to accumulate more wealth. The beneficiaries will be as always with the elitists affiliated companies - all the criminals are not going to jail.
The profits of small and medium-sized enterprises are already soon fall further, as they are forced to absorb the price inflation to some extent and can not fully pass on these. Of course, these companies will then also make any adjustments.
observe the moment, the people around the world, the dilemma in the U.S., UK and Europe. This dilemma is one reason why it comes to the upheavals that have taken in North Africa and the Middle East began.
Not only does the U.S., UK and Europe have taken part in the uprising - they were also the accelerant available. Thus, the dislocations are consistent with the higher food prices in context.
The world public is tired of the tyrants and governments that refuse to place the people accountable to. The changes are partly due to the fact that people have now realized that these dictators disappear and those who control the governments need.
One could say that it should fall, Saudi Arabia, this is also for the entire Middle East and North Africa is. If the so-called monarchy in Saudi Arabia fall, then the whole region is for sale. That would mean the end of the petro-dollars, which would in turn usher in the fall of the dollar. This is something you to be aware and think about what you should.
As you know, there were always times in history, with the dollar in the course of events, such as those taking place currently in North Africa and the Middle East, a strong rally laid. This time, however, this is not the case. The U.S. dollar is now, not only compared with 6 other major currencies, but also against gold and silver.
soon could the U.S. Dollar Index, the most fundamental support level of 71.18. The U.S. imports more expensive and makes exports cheaper, which could lead to an improvement in trade balance. The pressure on the dollar should continue to continue, because the U.S. government carries on with their annual budget deficits of $ 1.6 trillion.
We believe that Ben Bernanke and Alan Greenspan be represented in the historical review to be totally incompetent. We currently have a terrible price and monetary inflation. In the end, after the hyperinflation has taken hold, we will experience something that we predicted for years - the deflationary depression.
After three attempts to lift the U.S. dollar index is above 82 points, has failed and the current attempt. The U.S. dollar index fell to 76.48. At 76 there is a technical support level, more fundamental support levels lie at 74 and 71.18. The current dollar weakness is systemic, but this is reinforced by QE2 and the second stimulus package.
At the end the players will understand that the real inflation is over 7% and still opens this year because of QE1 and the first stimulus package in the direction of 14%. Next year is going to boost QE2 and the second stimulus package, inflation even more. At the same time frame, the U.S. wages and incomes under enormous pressure, particularly in large corporations.
Next year we will see inflation above 20%. In 2012 and 2013 inflation by QE3 and the third economic stimulus package will be fueled. The expected inflation then catapulted to more than 30%, while we are in the range of hyperinflation.
What should we expect otherwise from these quantitative easing measures and economic stimulus measures worth $ 2.5 trillion per year? You will notice that the U.S. government, the U.S. central bank, Mr. Bernanke and Wall Street were all wrong with. This also means that it could come as early as August of this year to a decline in the creditworthiness of the United States. This should lead to the U.S. dollar provide further downward pressure on interest rate increases.
These events will ensure that a major summit of the countries - similar to Smith's Soni Meeting at the beginning of the 70s, the Plaza Accord of 1985 and the Louvre Accord of 1987 - is an increasing need to ensure that the currency may be revalued and devalued against one another and a regulation concerning the multilateral insolvency is made.
It will then probably come to a restructuring of the U.S. dollar, which should eventually receive a 25% gold backing. Maybe there will be a combination of currencies, which is a - also covered gold - currency index. That will come, although it is questionable whether this will happen already in 2011.
During the next phase is stagnant, unemployment and the U.S. will begin to understand what it means to be a poor third world countries. If there were in the United States no food stamps, no extended unemployment benefits and other forms of government aid would see in America today like in the 30s.
indicate the same time the oil price of $ 100 per barrel and food price inflation down to a loss of purchasing power of U.S. consumers of $ 200 billion. If the rise in oil prices to $ 120 per barrel, this means purchasing power losses of more than USD 400 billion. This would mean that the gross domestic product falling by 0.5% to 1.5%.
The above issues mean that any future currency by gold or silver or both precious metals must be met - whether the elites like it or not.
The multilateral recognition of currency is of paramount importance, and such a fiat money and discipline are the only components that are related to the financial system can be saved. The elitists know that on the other hand, would such a fiat money ensure that their system of wealth accumulation, the pursuit of power and dreams in terms of a world government Rigel is advanced. The euro had
may work, it had been built properly. Special Drawing Rights the International Monetary Fund are a hopeless case. The yuan is simply not yet mature enough, and China is facing a number of personal problems that are rarely discussed.
remain therefore only left a restructured dollar with gold backing or a gold-covered currency index or silver backed currencies. Everything else will not work, let alone be accepted. The world is once again on their own bodies that do not work, devoid of fiat currencies and the Fascist corporatist economic policies.
This leads only to subdue the people and destroyed the lives of all people - except the quality of life of the wealthy, those with good connections and the elitists who are doing well, while the rest of the world lives in poverty.
The current measures to establish a world government will not be successful. Humanity is once again in the economic and financial ruin and even creep perhaps even from the war rubble of World War II. Desperate people do desperate things - so be not surprised if a new war is being deliberately left by the curb, just as there is already many times in history have been the case.
Solid Money is the only answer, and the only alternative consists in a restructuring of the U.S. dollar, which then receives a 25% gold cover, with the gold price should be in this case is much higher than today. An index of 4 or 6 regional currencies should not also work very well.
A gold standard provides stability and ensures that the law is respected. In addition, it limits the current quite freely held excesses of Wall Street and the banking system. We need to see the Glass-Steagall Act and the criminals that control Wall Street and the banking system must also serve out their sentences behind bars and.
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Redeem Miles Calculator
here reported items (link ) of "eigentümlic free" in the fraud in the tax offices and tax courts.
We live in a world recovery efforts, financial crises and huge growing national debt. Besides numerous other abuses in Germany, we see the consequences of our failure controlled central bank and paper money system. Many interested citizens recognize the meantime.
The fast-growing financial needs of our government leads over time to an increasingly absurd behavior of all the protagonists. Financial judge in Germany hurt by clear bias in favor of the tax in a frightening way, the fundamental rights of citizens by creating a freelance commentaries and articles on legal issues and collect them from specialist publishers also fees for their own economic advantage. No one has made this offense broke the law by hundreds of active participants an entire profession yet public.
According to the verdict of the Constitutional Court to 1BvR 539/96 can legally significant doubt on the impartiality of the judge to pay if its scientific activities on the support of the parties was intended. To comparable conclusions, the Constitutional Court is also reflected in other decisions. But exactly
this is done. In proceedings before the Tax Court in Lower Saxony, for example, the legal question was to decide whether the sales tax notices of the tax office Cuxhaven against the plaintiff are invalid. With the proposals of the applicant has the 5th Senate of that court but not busy. In the court's opinion was merely referring to a comment, as it turned out in subsequent research, co-written by one of the participating judges for consideration. A clear breach of law. By law, two of the judges involved in the proceedings should have been declared partiality.
is doubtful it ever since, whether citizens complaining ever before German tax courts see more justice and can successfully sue. The success rate of such claims is currently only about 3 percent. This means that 97 percent of all complaints to be decided before the German tax courts in favor of the tax. A recognizable separation of judiciary from the executive, as prescribed by the legislature in fact, is undermined by such conduct and has not been seen for many years. It seems likely that the most part-time judge shall pay most strongly interested in its main profit-oriented interpretation of the law before the highest-level requirements of the Basic Law. It is in how many times in the press notified, to millions more.
The group of profiteers is immense. To outsiders, the judgments seem mostly harmless.
The plaintiff has simply not been right. In reality, his case a "fictional facts" has been assigned. This is similar to the well-known shell game. The many comments and articles that might be added or updated constantly, are a crucial part of this shell game. If the existing comments can not expect a suitable sentence is so long turned to the statutory formulation until it fits. The "fictional facts" are simply changed and made to fit. Once that is done, things start to spin the carousel again.
Since comment not only judges but also accountants, lawyers and senior financial officers, the match for the German number Michel is not to win. A ratio of more than 97 percent of the financial judgments against the applicant seeking legal says it all. Strangely, we examined the public debate on the reasons so far in vain.
There is a new level of "fiscal looting" was created. In the Third Reich, the system had been made racial elements as a criterion. This is no longer allowed to happiness in a democratic Germany. Contrast, virtually every citizen can now, through the introduction of "pro-fiscal mindset of the tax authorities, after line and Thread can be looted. Those who resisted it, which is the endless loop of Article 19 paragraph 4 of the Constitution assigned. "If someone is hurt by the public authority's rights, he may go to court."
The 3 percent winners in the matter are a trivial plausibility characteristic of the "absolute law-abiding behavior" of financial management. Finally, judicial review is indeed just a ridiculous margin of error of 3 percent. A simple control law, however, is beyond the cartel of Rechtsbeuger and profiteers immediately and permanently. Let me nor to the more dramatic consequences. The above facts put to the participating Judge of the Tax Courts suspicion of a criminal violation of the law reinforced by § 339 StGB close. The same applies to the officials of the Treasury. Due to the ever
authorities claim, judges or officials exercised their duties without fear or favor and without personal interest in the outcome of the trial, falls on anyone that systematically against the entire population offenses are committed. Principle of due process is out as absurd and reversed.
That it take our leaders with the provisions of the Basic Law and other existing laws in Germany is not as accurate, many people already in the introduction of the euro and the Lisbon Treaty noticed unpleasant. However, it has now reached a very different quality, when you realize how shameless the German tax authorities simply ignore existing laws and driving citizens of our country mercilessly into economic ruin. This raises the question of who these officers are actually. The people, as required by the Basic Law, or masters, the people and the Constitution are obviously indifferent?
Where Are The Six Arrows On Ultimate Ispy
Here's a report of the article "Kopp Verlag ( link) in which Mr. Udo Ulfkotte of unrest in the Middle East and predict the next trouble spots.
-------- No matter where one stands politically, ideologically and culturally, one must admit any: When Domino country there will be winners and losers. Because someone has to pay even for the consequences of country-Dominos. Countries such as Tunisia and Egypt can not do the job on its own. And if as the European Union transfers money to those countries, then that is certainly not bankrupt from EU countries like Greece or Portugal. A study now explains, regardless of EU money, who it will hit hardest in the countries in the future financially-Domino. At the top of those who have to pay, are (besides Canada), Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
Just thought to have the country Domino, Egypt calmed and tourists could again bring in foreign troops, as go the violent riots in Cairo. The American government is, according to the Washington Post the country Domino in Islamic states already disillusioned, no longer believes in the "democratization", but expects to be that the new governments in Muslim countries democratic, but made by fundamentalist Muslim groups, because the majority of the population will be expressed in truth not a democracy but the rule of Islam. Many Europeans still believe the large countries Domino will soon be ended. And then will get a new wonderful world with many Democratic counterparts have. How nice for those who want to believe it ...
The Royal Bank of Canada (RBC Bank) one sees things differently. And there will have to analyze risks. And it predicted in a recently published study entitled The political and social unrest index - who's next, go on countries in which the country is Domino. High on the list, accordingly, only large and important oil exporters: Sudan, Iraq, Yemen, Nigeria, Algeria and Iran. That is in plain text: The price of oil (and gold and silver) probably still reach dizzying heights. We will not have to pay in any case at the pump, and when filling up with fuel oil or products that require the production of energy, a price for the country Domino. And then follow
Syria, Egypt (where it will supposedly soon to new unrest), Saudi Arabia, Colombia and China, Indonesia, Tunisia and South Africa. Rubbing their eyes in amazement, because China is thus consistent with the potential for unrest is still far ahead of countries such as Tunisia (as well as Libya and Lebanon) in the list of countries dominoes. But the indicators as per capita income, youth unemployment, political and social satisfaction Justice are the opinion of RBC in China devastating to the detriment of the population marked than in countries such as Libya.
, we could then go to meet pretty troubled times. If we look at the endless list of those states in which the potential for unrest of the population is so large that there are severe disturbances expected, we should remember that someone has to pay at the end. It will be the taxpayers of those countries who are being prepared or financially reasonably well. And this includes even now (among Canadians) the tax payer in Switzerland, Luxembourg, Germany and Austria. The Nigerians, Iraqis, Sudanese, Yemenis, Algerians, and all the other inhabitants of country-Domino States will certainly not be able to pay.
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Can Brazilian Waxing Give You Hpv
Here is an article of "info wars" ( link ) is reported in the hypocritical about the way Michael Moore, who is on one side and multi-millionaire on the other side of it persuaded that the rich should be expropriated.
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Last week, filmmaker Michael Moore declared war on the producers. Moore told Laura Flanders of GRITtv that people who did not create trillions of dollars of wealth are entitled to steal it from those who did. Private wealth, Moore insisted, is a “national resource” that can be expropriated from the producers and divided parasitically between the non-producers.
Michael Moore and the socialists – in fact, communists – invariably advocate theft in one form or another. It is the very foundation of the their philosophy.
Our founders were adamantly opposed to all “schemes of leveling,” as Samuel Adams described the redistribution of wealth. James Madison, author of the Constitution, wrote: “I cannot undertake to lay my finger on that article of the Constitution which granted a right to Congress of expending, on objects of benevolence, the money of their constituents.”
Madison’s admonition against organized thievery by government was long ago lost. Now the act of wealth confiscation at gunpoint by non-producers is considered routine, even mundane, and normal as the change of seasons. It is taught incessantly in government training camps – otherwise known as pubic education – and is disseminated ad nauseam by the corporate media.
Scott Lazarowitz, extrapolating on MSNBC teleprompter reader Lawrence O’Donnell’s declaration that he is a proud socialist – a man who works for a decidedly non-socialist enterprise with back-to-back adverts – clarifies the socialist-communist stance:
“First and foremost, I am a socialist because I disagree with the Founding Fathers’ ideas on morality and the Rule of Law. It is important that we have a centralized government that redistributes all the wealth. The State needs to have the power to take some of the wealth away from those the State decides have too much of it.”
If you doubt this criminal ethos is not embedded in our national psyche, consider the following video. It was shot in Madison, Wisconsin, where unionized state workers insist the robbery at gunpoint must continue otherwise they may eventually burn down the state capitol building. At twenty five seconds into the video, a young man insists none of us have a right to our wealth, i.e., we are all slaves working for the state.
Michael Moore is a hypocrite. He is a wealthy filmmaker and the state has allowed him to keep most of the money he has earned churning out films advocating communism. If his imagined communist utopia ever comes fully into existence, he will be stripped of all his wealth and handed over to a propaganda collective to labor as a slave.
Finally, Michael Moore knows perfectly well how the system works. It is gamed by a small number of inbred globalists and offshore bankster elitists who do not pay a red dime in taxes.
In fact, they have engineered a system where the risk of their insider investments and Ponzi schemes are socialized and the return is privatized. If you doubt this, take a look no further than the bankster bailout scam initiated under Bush and continued and elaborately expanded under Obama (once again demonstrating that Democrats and Republicans are inseparable).
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Letterman Jacket Bible Verses
here, an older but really good video of Alex Jones in which he called "comprehensive annual financial reports" reported. in these reports which is inside what is not in the official budget in there .... by the way, these techniques have learned the governments of the cosa nostra ....
How To Paint Burlap Decoys
a good article here (link ) of "propaganda front" in the reported financial crisis in the euro zone is more.
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What if the euro collapses? Standing about the elites themselves behind the €-crash? The elites would like their world currency, but it raises the question whether they will succeed
"The German rescue tired and bitter resistance to the 'disgusting rescue' of the euro area is threatening to bring the Euro-zone agreement this month on a case which one would risk a new round of European sovereign debt crisis. The new EU criteria for the banking stress test, which this week set to be adopted, an additional risk dar.
Ireland's new leader, Enda Kenny, now faces a daunting task, because he just tried the conditions of the EUR billion 67 EU-IMF package of his country - to change to help Ireland to free itself from the debt trap "- - either by lowering the interest rate or by changes in the arrangements for referral of emergency funds. UK Telegraph, 02.03. 2011
The predominant social issue: We will muddle through already. The European Union will survive.
Free Market Analysis: Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, author of the Telegraph, has written yet another of his typically insightful analysis. This time it's about the difficulties of Ireland, that the land for the renegotiation of the debt payments, life the failing Irish banks will be confronted.
The Irish Bank bonds are held, among others, German and French banks, and it has exerted enormous pressure on Ireland, that the government is borrowing money, raising taxes and underlines the government spending to ensure that distressed banks do not go down completely.
The pressure this on the shoulders of the Irish economy and especially to be borne by the Irish taxpayer is enormous. Iceland chose to drop the insolvent banks. As a result, Iceland is already back show some economic improvements. The Irish economy, however, is still evil in limbo himself, and there is no hope that will not change anything big in the near future. The fact is that it is probably in Ireland at the end even come to some sort of national bankruptcy or popular uprising.
have therefore turned to the Irishman at the last election, the largest opposition party, Fine Gael, which offered a clear alternative to what has been negotiated with the EU. Nevertheless, there are huge obstacles that it shows how Evans-Pritchard, to be overcome in the new negotiations with the EU. Through the agreement reached last year rescue funds were made available, that the Irish Finance should be stabilized.
Most of the problems with the renegotiation of the current - may well be unsustainable - conditions of the bailout comes from the German side. Recently it was suggested that the EU "Euro-bonds" could spend what suffering the credit crisis, where countries such as Ireland, would alleviate considerably. But Angela Merkel's three-party coalition is against the idea of a Euro bond. Evans-Pritchard says, are justified by the fact that would end all EU countries who guarantee for the bonds. The German government intends
coalition, the parliament in this respect any submitted with the EU agreement reached to adopt. And: "A group of 189 German professors warned of the" fatal consequences for the entire European integration ', the EU should cross the Rubicon of a de facto debt Union. "
" I can not remember an event where the legislature ever such targets were made. Merkel has very little room "Evans-Pritchard cited the currency chief at BNP Paribas, Hans Redeker. "At the meeting there will be disappointments, which will make the euro-zone periphery lives more difficult."
Meanwhile, rising oil prices now make sure that economic growth EU drops considerably, which will weaken the Irish economy and that of other European countries also. Such "peripheral countries" are at risk of acting outside financial problems most vulnerable.
Merkel's government has the Eurocrats, but to an alternative plan. That the EU rescue package will be extended, those entitled to vote to save money, in return, the EU (Germany) in the internal affairs of countries engaging receives regulatory authority and supervisory powers. The
has met with Ireland and other countries already fierce opposition. The result of the Second World War of reservations here are still visible, especially in countries such as Greece, and the prevailing view that Germany would try to use its financial power to achieve peace in the European empire, that it previously wanted to build with military means.
Evans-Pritchard points out that the European Commission has drafted a compromise that is from Germany, however, felt as old wine in new bottles. The retired Federal Reserve Chairman Axel Weber - a vehement critic against any agreements that would entangle Germany even more in the rescue of third parties - attacked the plan to the EU, claiming this was the End to the issue of euro bonds lead.
Germany's views regarding these issues are being increasingly shared by the Netherlands and Finland - that the northern Euro-zone countries, which are significantly more solvent than the south.
Ireland currently pays almost 6% interest on its EU loans. The EU's financing costs, however at 2.6%, although there is no guarantee that the cost of borrowing will not increase as the EU is now gradually recovering from the crisis of 2008.
Evans-Pritchard believes that the new Irish government still has a secret weapon in their arsenal. You could in fact against the leading creditors the Irish banks with a
"'Haircut' threaten [a debt devaluation], should the EU oppose a compromise. This step could result in the entire euro zone and lead to infection in the German state banks to large losses.
Evans-Pritchard concludes that the Irishman provoke the anger of the euro zone would, they should play this card. The situation would remain there unchanged, it would provoke the anger of the Irish electorate that brought the former Irish government does because of the current emergency conditions a crushing defeat. The alternatives could then not be starker.
Evans-Pritchard's analysis concludes with a consideration of various alternatives. We do wish to point out another possibility - one, will not speculate on the part of the prestigious mass media.
Our idea is that the € intentionally in the present phase of destruction is left to the discretion. The current dilemma is perhaps no coincidence - yes it was in fact even accurately predict. We have already stated in the past that the euro zone is an integral part of the plans of Anglo-American power elite, the government of the world further.
The EU has already succeeded, however - and the political without full power - to approximate a large part of the regulatory disparities, and to convert the euro area into a homogeneous whole.
It may be that the euro is not necessary at this time. The idea would be natural that, while the euro continued to crash, would already be available, an alternative currency. The Anglosphere has with the Special Drawing Right of the International Monetary Fund on such currency that even in a more manageable currency called "Bancor" could be transformed, as the economist John Maynard Keynes proposed 50 years ago.
While it is to say the least perhaps may sound a bit unrealistic, we would (as the devil's advocate) claim that it is precisely the socio-political and economic chaos, yes, leading to significant economic changes. And is distinguished from such chaos?
us it appears as if the power elite by the current change of government in the Middle East has already begun to put the world on fire. Regarding this issue, we reported about the guilt of the West in numerous articles.
We would argue that any elite that is able to perform in dozens of countries controlled revolutions certainly willing would be to make a similar chaos in the West by check. There
What is the evidence for that? We believe that deliberately by the policy of the western central banking, a rampant price inflation in the developed and developing countries was launched. The sudden emergence of food shortages (which will follow the water scarcity) should also be a coincidence.
All these factors are controllable by the power of money, and it seems so to us - although we can discuss it - as if that controlled and continue to spread chaos intention.
In the U.S., Barack Obama has added trillions of public debt, whereas the profligacy of George Bush did almost make a modest impression. Again, we believe that this could be a deliberate destabilization of the fiscal and monetary situation of the United States.
The authoritarian depredations of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, DHS, could also be a deliberately planned Aufstachlung. In view of 40 million U.S. citizens who depend on food stamps, an unemployment rate of at least 20%, increasing price inflation, failing wars, a foreclosure rate of 10% and a polarized political environment, it seems to us such as would America face the same civil disturbance; which will most likely be in Europe when it gets warmer outside.
There are not the civil unrest that will make the difference here, but the inflationary decline of U.S. dollar reserve system. The combination of monetary instability, social unrest and military tensions (the West against the growing "threat" of a controlled pseudo-militaristic Islam) could create the need for the G20 group of a large-scale compromise found with respect to a new monetary environment has, which then supervision of the United Nations is controlled by the International Monetary Fund.
That is also the point where instead of keeping the promoted by the United Nations' New World Order "the right to tax - which the United Nations the last few years have suggested with increasing enthusiasm.
Conclusion: This sounds definitely all in extremely speculative, but we are already in the past few years by the daring - hopeless? - Destruction of the power elite by surprise.
The destabilization of a quarter of the world seems clearly not unthinkable. We would see it this out of the shadow cabal operating trust in any case that they deliberately destabilize the euro, just as they did when Dollar has done.
China has done in recent months, nothing else, as more and more to distance itself from the dollar-reserve system. The Russians probably have to wait in our opinion, not too far behind and soon follow suit.
We do not know what the exact mechanisms need to look to the events leading to a new currency system, in this article, we have however sought to go this question logically to the bottom. Is this far fetched? Sure. But it's not far-fetched, as the events currently taking place in the world.
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Purchasing Alcohol With A Temporary License
here (link ) items of "mmnews" in the madness of the sprits of ethanol is reported.
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E-10: incredible perversion and apocalyptic decadence. Millions of tonnes of food to be brewed "organic" ethanol. Who wants to be a good eco, the wasting away so his fellow man - supposedly to save the climate. - Now that the child has long since fallen into the well and the lies are obvious, they whine around and no one will have been's.
What has really changed concretely at the service station, there are "Super 95", ie the previous super gasoline, 95 octane, or do we continue to swallow the toad actually E10? Questions at various gas stations and the respective companies reveals the following picture:
Aral: Is it
- not anymore:
Past Super 95th Instead, still stands at one tap per station continues to be "Super" turn, flows out, however, super plus and even at the price of super plus. - official reason
both at refineries and tank farms to there is no capacity for extra protection product varieties. In addition, the majority of the refineries can not mix Biobeimischungen allow parallel in the same product, it may not parallel, a Super 95 E5 Super 95 and E10 are produced in a refinery. Since the system not a product disappears, it must be avoided to an existing product. Aral uses accordingly be super plus 98, which has a maximum ethanol content of 5%. - mood at a local gas station:
uncertainty and also voiced displeasure with the air-nonsense on the part of customers. "Rip-off" was called. The farmer: "At various stations are already shortages of super plus, because only 5% of refinery distillates to super plus 98 can be processed and there is increased demand."
- Past Super 95:
is no longer available from now. Alternative V-Power is the current eight cents premium over Super E10. - official reason
Both the production capacity of the refineries and the number of fuel tanks at refineries and tank farms, and in particular at gas stations usually limited. - mood at a local gas station:
- Past Super 95:
Super 95 is still present, in addition to Super E10 offered provided the dispensers allow the service stations so. The price of Super 95 is the same as super plus. - official reason
availability of tanks at refineries, fuel depots and petrol stations. Three varieties of super gasoline can not accomplish many depots. - mood at a local gas station:
Super 95 regional partly close, because not many dare to fuel E10. There are doubts about the compatibility with many vehicles, the lack of long-term experience is called for. The farmer: "There again lies behind the EU - do not know who because his back Interests has prevailed, but we were not "Total
- Past Super 95:
is still offered as a separate fuel and has a price between E10 and super plus. - official reason
Will remain on the current state remains so indefinitely. - customer sentiment at a local gas station:
The landlady: "From the Green Party is running out."
- Past Super 95:
Still available, but was more expensive and currently the same price as super plus. It is anticipated the thought that Super 95 again in the future will have a lower price than Super Plus. - official reason
Super 95 is the long term continue to be made available, because many vehicles do not tolerate E10. The current price parity of super 95 and super plus is due to higher procurement costs for Super 95 and the prescribed penalty charges by the quota system of the "bio" fuel. - customer sentiment at a local gas station:
The landlady: "The Most still do not know whether their car E10 compatible. Many buy E10 because it's cheaper "
- Past Super 95:
Still available, but was more expensive and now costs the same as super plus. - official reason
How long it stays that way is uncertain, but a date for setting the Super 95 is not known. For now it is available. - customer sentiment at a local gas station:
The farmer: "The problem is not on our petrol stations, but by our Federal Government, who started the whole mess. We can spoon up the soup, they have brewed us. Most customers fill up super plus. Meanwhile, the media have to say it, E10 is more environmentally harmful than the existing fuel. The government has just searched for a reason for the nonsense. "
disappear Will Super 95? The fuel itself could actually disappear soon, as has the greatest of the gas station chains, Aral, already shown clearly what is going on. The name or "protection sites" remains Super, which is regulated by law. However, behind it a superior product like super plus hide - for higher price of course. The stupid it is and will be who? Exactly, you.
This raises the question of why so far no one has great excitement about this ethanol nonsense because we drive it all the time with up to five per cent bio-ethanol in gasoline. Actually should have been standing on the taps "E5". In addition to the significant uncertainty in the drivers if their vehicle E10 compatible - for political reasons should actually boycott all the stuff - also raises the question whether the blending of ethanol leads to poor performance or consumption.
Auto Bild has tested it and came to a conclusion on 17/02/2011 unique, consumption will increase by around 5%:
Assuming an average consumption of 0.6 liters per 100 kilometers, with an annual mileage of 20,000 kilometers of expensive, at a golf fuel costs by 176 euros per year. So on Super 95 fuel? This is thanks to grandfathering, but with the introduction of E10 is increasing, unfortunately, the price of the previously normal super five to ten cents per liter, it costs so many places now as much as Super Plus with 98 octane.
The driver is thus in each case the loser. Either he does the more expensive Super 95, or it fills up with E10, and must live with the increased fuel consumption. Either way, he is charged on it. As always.
E10 good for the climate?
What a strange statement, the bottom line is that even more "evil CO2 in the environment than before. This leaked lie aroused now probably the Umweltfuzzies and avoid harm to turn away, they come now - after no less, when everything is much too late - apparently critical to the plan, such as the Bund, the Federation for Environmental and Nature Protection Germany. He said on 02/24/2011 in the world :
Theavailable at more and more gas stations Biospritsorte E10 brings the opinion of the Federal Environment and Nature Conservation Germany (BUND) has no effect on the climate. "As for the environmental balance, E10 is a sham and a case of consumer deception," said the national chairman Hubert Weiger.
a dishonest baggage with green exterior paint is this no one can "save" the climate, since it must be saved at all and certainly not by the people who can not even predict the weather correctly.
But not only the multiple engines of intolerance E10 is the problem, but the incredible perversion and decadence of the eschatological, with which we are dealing with here. Millions of tonnes of food are now being brewed to "organic" ethanol. Who wants to be a good organic, which can starve so, just in his fellow man, rather than the climate look after themselves - although that's with the climate one of the biggest lies of all time.
are particularly ridiculous in this context, the statements of Green politicians who endorse these organized fraud with the air-lie for years and are now acting with apparent moral objections to E10. The West reported on 2/24/2011 on a Such eco-copy:
for the Green Party Bundestag Friedrich Ostendorff is ultimately about the ethical core question: "plate or tank?"
"The fact that the ecological balance by introduction of E10 fails better, must be questioned alone in the face of production routes for ethanol, "said organic farmer from Mount Kamen, and reckons:" In order alone to satisfy the German demand for E10 would have to of the 12 million hectares of arable land in Germany, only 1 million hectares for the cultivation of commodities such as corn and sugar beet for the production of Ethanol are maintained. "
really interesting, what flexibility and what a long line who love people's representatives have sometimes. As the green eco-farmer sits in parliament, probably from his work on the organic farm, tired and weary, and missed all the debates on this smooth Ökomist. But no, it is indeed to blame Brussels alone. Because there is no sitting around the countryside? And why then make your big mouth not on time?
A disgusting hypocrisy is, and always at the expense of citizens. We are used to that lied to, exploited and patronized to be. Let's see how long this habit still be maintained, because it ferments and rumbling in increasing numbers of jobs and even here in our country, not only in North Africa.
We note at this miserable Nahrungsmitteldekadenz that the war and postwar generation is now almost disappeared or died, as none of them would understand had, food to abuse as a fuel or heating fuel, especially not where there is no need it is based and this "ecological" argument solely on lies. This generation has no residues are left on their plate and they would never have valuable crops simply burned or procedural. As would be the more militant Ökonachbar been disposed of secretly at night in the organic waste environmentally safe.
E10 will consist How long we shall see. Almost 10% of arable land required percentage can change quickly, as soon as the global supply situation continues to escalate. Namely, the ongoing insurgency have a lot to do with rising food prices. So take advantage of every opportunity, such as refueling, to do their displeasure with this false frenzy known, and the friendly people make the on climate lie attention.
------------------------------------------------ ------------and here's a nice article of "peculiarly free" ( link) to do so.
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Like all planned economic measures, the new E10 fuel harms the environment and reduces the welfare of society. Despite consumer boycott of the new scrap-fuel E10 is now to use force against the will of providers and consumers are introduced, accompanied by so-called "information campaigns" that are either subsidized or government-enforced by the state. This is about propaganda, because nothing you say about the new E10 fuel is true.
E10 is not cheaper than regular gasoline without the 10-percent ethanol blend of rotten biomaterials, mostly food. A motor vehicle that is fueled with E10 consumed, namely, the 5 per cent more fuel than a vehicle that runs without admixture of bioethanol. With currently € 1.60 per liter will cost high-quality Super Plus gasoline, but only 4.6 percent more than the Gammel-E10 gasoline, which contains rotten biomaterials. Currently € 1.53 for E10 is required, what more expensive because of the additional consumption on E10 is a super plus.
at 5 percent consumption by E10 evaporate up to half the 10 percent addition of biomaterials without effect compared to regular gasoline. This is not a miracle, but bio-ethanol, according to official figures, only two thirds of the energy content of conventional gasoline, while at the same time poor in the engine burns. At the same time increase with the maintenance costs for a car that is fueled with E10. Where in comparison to conventional gasoline for the same 5 percent more fuel mileage from tank, fuel hoses and engine flow, are a greater wear and higher maintenance costs to secure logical consequence. Additional possible immediate or long-term effects are incalculable risk. rise
that prices for regular gasoline with E10-forced introduction now is logical and not malevolence the gas station operators and oil companies, and politicians and even lie automobile associations. Since E10 as a slow-moving storage and supply capacities binds without bringing revenue, must necessarily raise the cost of conventional fuel types. The additional costs incurred by E10, which sells not have to be allocated to the fuel types that sell. Otherwise, the gas stations went bankrupt and could offer no more gasoline. to subject
the stations by the government greed is an incredible audacity. The tax portion of the petrol price is whopping 63 percent of gasoline sales, while the gross margin for gasoline sold only 3 percent of sales. The state earns so based on the sales of gasoline with no direct return, the 21-fold compared to the petrol sellers themselves, which offer a performance petrol and all associated logistics. And only the taxes are included, which are levied directly on the liter of gasoline. Other taxes such as property taxes, business taxes or payroll taxes, which are also costs for the station operator and thus drive the price of gasoline is up, not with einberechnet. By comparison with 5 to 7-year government bonds in the euro area can be on average 3.66 percent return per year per sold to the state or make conferred unit of money without selling a product like gasoline, only 3 percent brings return on sales, or even to work for something, anything. It is a wonder that at all gasoline is sold.
E10 pollutes the environment and has a negative CO2 balance, as the federal government warns conservation. This was because the cultivation of agricultural raw materials for the production of bioethanol replaced natural areas, reduce the CO2. Also in the cultivation and even fertilizer production technologies that produce CO2 and general strain on resources and natural course, although it is not economically viable. Finally, so-called biofuel costs more than comparable alternatives and more than people are willing to pay for it. Biofuel is made as in the madness with billions in subsidies from taxpayers' money has been driven by force "profitable". The taxes increase the cost in turn reduce the life of the people and prosperity levels.
displaced addition, the cultivation of agricultural raw materials for the inefficient and polluting heating fuel in motor vehicles, the cultivation of food and thus more expensive food prices, which many people starve, and many a child in the world. No matter what the EU leaders come up here as an excuse. The subsidies the company always scarce resources that otherwise would have found other uses are withdrawn. That this will increase the cost also, and especially food, is obvious and inevitable. Who buys E10 voluntarily makes a question not only for the polluters, but also responsible for welfare and hunger deaths in the world. By the way have E10 buyers higher fuel costs and ruining their cars.
The incentive to save is in the natural behavior of the man himself founded. No one wants to consume more fuel and resources as necessary. Everyone is looking in nature for the best price and the cheapest method of production, which - on the sole condition that the property rights of all are protected - for protection of environment and resources the most. Just by the forced state intervention in the gasoline market, this mechanism is prevented by force. To produce a liter of ethanol, would require 4,000 liters of water, says Nestlé CEO Peter Brabeck-Lethmate and sees rising food prices, the perverse result of high biofuel subsidies as the FAZ wrote.
What do reach the EU leaders and their German agents in federal and state legislatures, with their "organic" coercive measures, remains a mystery. It is clear that the consequences of environmental degradation, waste of resources, wealth destruction, starvation deaths and the end even brazen propaganda. After all the nonsense we supposed to be sold tax-paid and imposed "information campaigns" as a blessing. The limits of this stupidity could be admired in the landscape of ruins of the former GDR and the Soviet Union and in the EU, to be admired, if the policy goes on.
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What Do You Say To A Friend Diagnosed With Herpes
here is more important items of "info war news" ( link ) reported in the madness on the BKA and the new Stasi.
------------ The delusions of some politicians and how the FAZ reports especially our new Interior Minister, seem boundless. On the wire of the Federal Trojan can be quite a bit more acrobatics than suggested by the first exit lässst view. Unfortunately, the citizens do not really have a clear view, can decide how quickly an authority to declare someone a threat. The impact on privacy would be catastrophic.
Can you imagine that you settles on a trip or return a Trojan horse on your laptop or other technological devices? Yes, upon arrival in Germany!
you have an idea that makes such a program on your system? Screenshots every 30 seconds, as logging every keystroke, record every page you requested.
Something like you could happen in North Korea but never in Germany, you think? Error! And when it comes to our new Home Secretary, it is the custom.
Integrated webcams or microphones provide, if required, the same still the best images or sounds, is not that perfect? Now you can say that the officials will have proffessional affairs, but I resist it I have, however, that I shall, in such a way, no spying going.
Many thoughts and ideas, feelings and conversations are now saved on the PC, transfer and sharing, you really want that one has the possibility to-follow EVERYTHING? May
threatens When entering bugging
smuggle the state at the customs check at the airport in secret spying programs on private computers:
Here are some lines from the FAZ? The gap between the clear statements of the law on data protection and its vague interpretation in practice is increasing.
suspects in criminal cases has recently been secretly spying on German airports smuggling software on the computer. The case has been a rarity: a concerned official investigation of business travelers was cheered during a customs check an unobtrusive program that remotely controlled and spied on his computer.
[...] Not only is the new interior minister comes from Bavaria, but also the idea of such an attack is lawful. The application of the constitutionally dubious discovery method is in the south appeared to be common practice [1].
The source telecommunication surveillance is another step in a direction that actually no citizen should want to have. Mental pornography I would call it, even an electronic strip-tease.
Considering the sum of existing and targeted monitoring tools, is really just a spin. Here I would like
explzit again to our interview with the EU Pralamentarier Alexander Alvaro put your heart where we discussed these issues and in particular on the INDECT program.
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Friday, March 4, 2011
Basal Wood Structure Blueprint

Wonderful seascape and country house for sale at 15.9000 m2. Surface of the lakes around 100,000 m2, the house has 300 m2. The uniqueness of the property lies in its whole, in the natural conditions in the lakes that surround this farm in harmony. Perfectly embedded in nature, like a symphony of the senses which we breathe. Truly said a pearl of nature but open to limitless imagination and ideas of the people. Whether playing golf, seminars, recreation center, horseback riding, fish farming, or even the means of growing their own runway, are some of many ways to give effect to more than 15.9000 m2 the ideas and dreams, can ...... 970 000 € VHB
more details on the www.jagdrevier-boerse.de