Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Kates Playground Make Out

If the stock market crash?

here (link ) items of "info war news" is shown in which it is clear that a burglar probably just before the stock exchange.

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Some fundamental things seem right now to change. Above all, the interest rate policies of major central banks. Until recently, no one would have expected an increase in interest rates, however, requires China to the clamps and forces reactions. A stock market guru was now again his opinion and not necessarily reflect confidence. Come now quickly, what to come?

The policy of easy money has driven the stock markets before it, that a dizzy Soon could be. True to the motto "The Sky's the limit", there seemed to be no hold. Although many fundamentals have actually spoken a different language, a high was made at a time. If you believe Roland Leuschel, who made his reputation as a stock market guru, it will be over so soon and the disenchantment of the markets considerably.
in 1987 and 2008, he predicted the crash very well and he is not the kind of guru every week caused a crash while talking inevitably lead times are right. He warned not often, but when he was generally very good.
Other analysts and market observers see great dangers for the moment the markets . Come When the point enters exactly, no one can say exactly, but one thing is clear: to kick start the markets are, nothing holds, then no PPT or anyone else think the markets.
brief word from the world of Roland Leuschel:

Since then, he is on the way back to its all-time high of 8151 points, a good ten percent still separate him from that mark. High time to ask again in crash prophets. If the crash this time off, Mr. Leuschel? "You know, I'm used to with my views on stand alone," he says. "And, believe it or not, the signs of a severe correction in equity markets increase. Call it crash or not. The market will correct by 15 to 20 percent "
he would be concerned looks on the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa but also in Greece. "We see on television and think, we go for nothing. But that can quickly come to us than we can imagine, "he fears. Leuschel itself has drawn consequences: His house on the Portuguese Algarve has he upgraded with security systems.

[...] In addition to the index papers, allow it to participate in falling stock prices, the skeptic maintains its recommendation for precious metals. 70 percent of its assets in gold and silver, he thought, some physically, partly as a publicly traded commodity funds (ETCs). "This indeed any advice is contrary to the reasonable distribution of wealth, but shows only my skepticism about the paper currencies," said Leuschel [1].

All signs point to storm and both the extremely high oil prices, but also its possible interest rate increases will make your tribute demand. Thus, one should at least set from April on a more turbulent times, and one is positioned in the stock market, protect the deposit accordingly.
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What Does Cake Boss Use As Icing?

unemployment - the system of social market economy

an article here (link ) of "peculiarly free" in the the context of mass unemployment is reported with systems such as the social market economy.

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The mixed economy and the phenomenon of mass unemployment
mass unemployment is not inevitable and not a natural state, it is the more powerful side effect of a particular economic form of organization - the mixed economy. Even before the First World War - in a period of relatively unregulated labor markets - the permanent mass unemployment was a social problem with impact largely unknown. Only in the twenties of this phenomenon occurred in the order in appearance, should attain historical significance.
A socialist regime will have many problems but no problems to deal with people. Neither the Soviet Union, or for Nazi Germany, neither North Korea nor the unemployment statistics for Cambodia was a reason for concern. Work is always enough there: You can let people dig a ditch, build a tank or sandbags can take from one to the other side of the road and back again. In real socialism, it was the absolute compulsion, in the pure market economy, the unlimited freedom that ensures that unemployment is not even in severe economic crises to a mass phenomenon. Downturns led to falling wages and difficult working conditions, but even with heavy declines unemployment rarely reached the level that is heard today in many states to normal.
unemployment as a political and social phenomenon arose in systems that are neither pure market economy, nor are purely socialist. Modern mass unemployment occurs mainly in countries with a mixed economy. When the Khmer Rouge, there was no unemployment, nor with Hitler, Stalin or Mao. Even in the existing strong market-oriented states, such as in modern Hong Kong or Singapore, even high unemployment rates below the threshold considered to be low in other industrialized countries is.
To explain the modern phenomenon of mass unemployment, one must understand how the system of mixed economy collide two opposing components. In the mixed economy, a system of partial freedom applies to a system of forced part. Both must work together to produce the modern phenomenon of mass unemployment. Under socialism, the setting requirements and the working conditions are laid down. In the pure market economy, there is no obligation to hire someone, but the conditions of employment are in the area of freedom of contract. In the mixed economy, however there is the provision that the contractor is free to anyone set or not set, but he has not freedom to determine the terms on which he does.
have, since the entrepreneur to not hire someone, they make more frequent use of this option, if the conditions that legally sanctioned by collective agreements, minimum wages and the like, they are not attractive. The less attractive these conditions are, the more often they will choose to forego settings. As I said, it is not socialism in this choice, and in the pure market economy, there are no restrictive conditions. It is therefore of the so-called middle way between pure market economy and socialism, which is particularly vulnerable to mass unemployment. Since the policy of force in this middle way the entrepreneur can not stop the unemployed, but also the conditions of this grant does not want to do this to his ideas, there are many job seekers, who are not recruited by entrepreneurs.
While the entrepreneur does not stop, then he is off the hook. If he stops, he must pay a certain salary, pay taxes, must undertake to lay off the set after a certain time under certain circumstances, and he shall not reveal any preference in terms of age, race, religion or gender . The trader may choose to instead prefer to hire people to set up a machine or have them do the work abroad. The potential entrepreneur but may also decide to establish not only the company. You can invest the money instead on the international capital market or squandered.
As long as you decide to start a company to hire anyone and not to invest, one is free. Once you decide to do it, one is subjected to a comprehensive regulatory framework. Companies are actually classified as public entities. If you are throwing a private party, you can smoke as much as you want if you opened an inn, are there specific rules. This means at the moment in which to convert cash into a business investment that converts to his own wealth at the same time in a public institution.
This can be entrepreneurs will be reluctant to become entrepreneurs or existing companies to bring it to exercise its right, not potential candidate can. As the state force in the mixed economy the entrepreneur can indeed, as it employs people, but not to the fact that it employs people, nor to establish a business in, it must concern themselves with the people in the jobs created by it conditions are not set. Theoretically, government could simply all people , Set and there was statistically full employment. Such is the socialism. On a stone age level that's no problem. One can assume that this system of full employment in North Korea works reasonably well.
The question is not how to deal with people is the question of how to finance their livelihood. Totalitarian systems can achieve this by lowering the standard of living accordingly. Depending on how far advanced this system is to measure the allocations no longer in monetary terms, but in calories.
In the modern welfare democracy, there are not only the ideal of full employment, but also the implicit and explicit promises a certain standard of living. Unlike dictatorships dissatisfaction can be articulated. During the dictatorship of the newsreel happy workers, shows the clear go to work, although they are hungry, the media have in a democracy, an army of long faces, to complain about low wages and inadequate benefits. Therefore, the state guarantees a certain standard of living, the cost for this he denies by borrowing. Unlike in previous centuries, it is not war, but the social costs, which are responsible for most of the national debt.
At the end of the 20th Century had not been victorious capitalism over communism, as which has been often described. Rather, the mixed economy had survived state socialism as the one-eyed man to the blind. Mass unemployment and public debt are part of a historical epoch. Unemployment, high debt and inflation rates are associated with this system. This era began in the 20th Century and has continued until today.
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Inspiron 1520 No Supported Camera Detected

mad world financial climate activism

actually here's a good article in the "world" ( link), in the madness of the activism of the climate reports.

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solar energy, swine flu, one-way deposit - and now E10: catastrophism has been frequently jerk reaction to the government.

The chaos that was totally unprepared for the introduction of biofuel E10 across the country is beyond belief to citizens. It is not unprecedented. When it comes to the welfare of people and nature when disasters are painted on the wall, collapsing climate, waste crisis, swine flu and similar doomsday scenarios, the activism is not far off.

During the meeting on Tuesday E10-summit in Berlin in order to achieve damage limitation at the recent Gotham string of energy policy, is the last flop in this area is far from over: the exuberant Promotion of solar power. The amounts by which the electricity consumers millions of roofs in the country subsidized, which were equipped with photovoltaic panels are unaffordable. So much so that the federal government now hurry, this forced submission of schedule to reduce train to train, at last, even with the consent of the solar industry. Reason: The expansion has increased unexpectedly strong. Mindful of the fact that solar energy, despite this surprise boom in the energy supply of the country remains almost no role plays and is concentrated on the question of the energy-political sense and all, - especially I suppose in the event that the expansion planned, so would have been lower.

reminds a bit of buyers' strike for biofuel to the drama of the vaccination against swine flu half years ago. Even then you can untenable scenarios about the death rates in the next winter led to a startled federal government in association with a grateful pharmaceutical industry provides tens of millions of doses of vaccine. The expectation that the Germans would now be lining up at the up vaccination was not fulfilled. Almost closed the nation entered the Impfstreik, comparable to the denial today with the new fuel. His awareness of the risks and side effects in both cases was higher than that of the government and industry in this Case, quite rightly, as it turned out afterwards. The side effects of doses of vaccine for the common people - there were also more mature, more compliant versions for select circles - he soon fell out as a greater threat than the swine flu itself

designed no less chaotic, the introduction of the mandatory deposit, which was preceded by a long preparation time . In addition to the - by now conceded - it was the second nuclear phase-environmental measure, the Red-Green was proud. In contrast, the population outweighed the entry into force of the rule in 2003, first the anger. Cans, plastic and glass bottles, not the reuse system subject to cost, when purchasing from now "pledge" - the meaning of the word, however, spoke scornfully. If the container is not returned back in place, it was simply about a surcharge on the purchase price refunded a nobody. Train to train managed beverage industry, commerce and government by 2006 at least, that the way packaging could be returned to Germany.

with pride in this work should retain the previous red-green environmental policy but because of the goal she pursued with the new arrangement at the time, we are now further away than ever. As a reason for the way deposit at the time argued that the Proportion of reusable beverage containers in 1997, dropped to below 72 percent. A turnaround was not achieved since then, on the contrary: according to the Association for Consumer Research is the percentage will even up to 2008 dropped to 31 percent. This spectacular failure, however, plays no role in today's debate is more, according to recent findings, however much the question of whether reusable or disposable having a better ecological balance.
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Simple, particularly popular wisdom according to "Biofuel is good," "disposable is bad", "Solar energy always pays off", "new forms of flu are always fatal" can often not be challenged enough, especially if they are to serve in support of policies. Thus, the mounds of garbage piled higher and higher no longer with us, often go to waste incinerators, which are now more air conditioning units from the waste, which they can turn it into clean energy. That paper bags have a better environmental performance than plastic bags, is more controversial than ever. The "Encyclopedia of Ökoirrtümer" by Dirk Maxeiner and Michael Miersch lists a number of similar small and large cases where they need inherited wisdom of the correction.

Globally such wisdom can ever have fatal consequences. About when, as happened since the 80's, is to DDT demonized an innocent agent against insects and therefore prohibited, and 30 to 40 million people have died of malaria. If outrageous incantations of a worldwide organic farming in the coming decades should help that should be withheld in development assistance to farmers in Africa, for much needed fertilizer.
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