Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Stomach Ache When 27 Weeks Pregnant

This and that

Dear sisters and brothers!

I will now go to bed early to sleep off my right. Since yesterday afternoon I had some tooth pain, of which I am now relieved. I will address in more detail at a later time about my anarchistic scientific curiosity has me possibly lead to new insights, at least a plausible hypothesis: The Anxiety and pain sensitivity of humans, so my hypothesis, are correlated strongly positive.

Practical applications? Well, quite simple: it is easier to condition themselves for pain, when compared to condition fear. Accordingly, one might develop programs to condition under which people are used to relieve pain, and unconsciously they would brave the possibility that we would of course welcome. :)

was with me today was a root canal treatment, a molar tooth was excavated also including the roots. People were amazed that I did not want general anesthesia, and I wonder now whether it is in this world permanently anesthetized at all someone is that it knows how to feel those things without anesthesia. OK, it was not a pleasure rush that I experienced it, but with relaxed abdominal breathing, I could keep already unbearable from the neck.
I think it's so against many other pains, such as cancer patients or unfavorable injured soldiers, have been expected to be a real dead bugs.

Some dental offices offer an alternative to general anesthesia and light hypnosis (relaxation), and patients who use the surprise later that they felt little or no pain. Where to get there, if one knows his own brain as possible? Certainly the place where the powerful do not have one ......

somehow missing the people of the proportionality: whether the colonoscopy, whether prior to dental treatment - do (dental) doctors as if the examination / treatment pain is unbearable without anesthesia. But say the ease with which the same expert: "You can not eat such and such a long time!" - Without thinking about how I could numb my belly ..... : (Best wishes


Winfried, United Anarchists


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