Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Rent Houses Hamptons After Prom

the trial on 23 March and another

Dear sisters and brothers!

Lutz Schaefer could be convinced that it is necessary to publish first-rate legal correspondence and arbitrary court decisions, I started to upload:


Unfortunately, either I've copied a site too little, or Barbara Kuehn has a site too much taken away from me - a decision I have no side, but I will soon have.

On Barbara Kühn I always fall in again: She is sitting next to me as if she could muddy water, and we talk about the case. Suddenly she says, a stack of paper in his hand: "This is also important weil. .." And already I'm back at the copy, because it is quicker than scanning (maybe I'm ideal for scanning just too stupid).

So I drown after a series of visits gradually Barbara Kühn in a giant mountain of documentary material, but must admit that I could each give a good justification that it dealt with important matters. The case has everything, almost everything you need to describe the German lubrication system and documented. On

District Court Mönchengladbach, I received a text message in between, not the message after negotiations end, first circulated by an expression:

http://an-united-anarchists.blogspot.com/2010/03/etwas-zum- shudder-and-call-unsere.html

prosecutor had Lingen him in his file, and the question posed to the judge whether it is for the negotiation of meaning, was by Judge Becker answered "No". Nevertheless, all parties and the journalists would give a much confused impression, including the newly emerging lawyer Lutz Schaefer may have contributed.

Barbara Kuhn was also asked, someone was playing with handcuffs, but it was gone so that Benecken and rust had with her want to talk. Now they wanted to apply for a sudden, Barbara Kuhn regarding the events at the 21st April 2006 to get on the witness stand, but Barbara Kuehn told them that they no longer with them I persuade. Benecken've tried to intimidate her: "You do not want your father gets life sentence?" But even so he seems to have had no success. For the first time, it was the state of things, they should also have the opportunity during the trial day lead to a short conversation with her father. One could possibly interpret as an indication that some people just do not know how they have been dealt with Hans Pytlinski and his family, but that they could also become clear that these things differently than they're used in such cases to stay in this case is not hidden from the public.

Our web work and the entering of a lawyer Lutz Schaefer had not been on the bill, the intelligence, courage and tenacity of Barbara Kuhn, but also the willpower of the Hans Pytlinski, who was not wrapping by Benecke and rust, had been significantly underestimated had. Against this background we have not hesitated to outrageous. Now they face their own work and do not know how we go from here. follow

from the complaint, the lawyer Lutz Schaefer directly to a judge of the Antragsabbügelungsschreiben Lothar Beckers (is not currently available, see above), let go out so a lot:

http://die-volkszeitung.de/ua/schwalmtal/ lutz-schaefer/lg-22-maerz-2010/scans-schaefer-beschw.html

It should also be noted that the highly regarded experts from LG Mönchengladbach Deis, what the Lutz Schaefer was not yet past, had also stated clearly in March 2009, Hans Pytlinski was permanently unfit to be tried.

find one procedure must be according to the documents and in comparison with others, that the question of the process as the negotiating capacity is treated as perverse as anything else in the German Justice: Do judge set a process, not that there is another way to do without losing face, then an "expert" on, attested to the negotiation process or disability. Do they have procedures then an "expert" on, attested to the process and negotiation skills.

the Hans Pytlinski they wanted in a short time once a process and unfit to be tried, then we wanted him back process and negotiation. For this one needed two different reviewers, but that is for judges as Lothar Beckers no problem.



Winfried, United Anarchists


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