Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How Long Does It Take To Come Off Risperadol

lawyers and prosecutors ...

Dear sisters and brothers! Meanwhile, I also have

page 2 of the recruitment letter from the Stain Ostermann things wrong suspicion of Pytlinski by Hans Christoph Kühn available and they have uploaded and inserted in:

http://die-volkszeitung.de/ua/schwalmtal/ christoph-kuehn/scan-einstell-strafanzeige.html

Here is undoubtedly right in front of flexion and obstruction of justice in office, definitely calls for the § 164 StGB not which is knowingly false alleged act must an offense meet only unlawful it must be under § 164 StGB:

excerpt from § 164 StGB:

(1) If another by any authority or to accept ads competent official or military superiors or to public against better knowledge of an unlawful act or malpractice suspects with the intention to bring about an administrative procedure or other official action against him or to have it continue, shall be punished with imprisonment up to five years or a fine.

Christoph Kuhn had written to the Construction Office of the City of Unna ( authority), his grandfather knowingly false suspicious have illicitly exported construction projects to which Christoph Kühn herführen undoubtedly an occurrence of the construction office Unna ( official measure ) ( the intention ) wanted.

unlawful is all that is in some form of government-banned, of course, are also misdemeanors unlawful, such as the § 1 OWiG incidentally found in absolutely no doubt:

§ 1 OWiG:

(1) A misdemeanor is an illegal and reprehensible action that implemented the elements of a law allowing the prosecution to a fine.
(2) A threatened with fines of action is an unlawful act, which realizes the fact of a law referred to in paragraph 1, even if she is accused of not guilty.

would further punishment indeed possible to § 164 II StGB, which contains not the concept of illegality only focussed objective of that is sought by knowingly false statement of fact of an administrative procedure or administrative action.

That these things a full-blown prosecutor not be clear should, could possibly tell Captain Bluebear on KiKa, the prosecutor Ostermann has the display controller or its agent, thus deliberately deceived about the conditions under penalties of false suspicion, to set against it based on this illusion, the criminal investigation can.

had probably Stain Ostermann is therefore wrong to § 164 Code of Criminal Procedure rather than correct, based on § 164 of the Criminal Code to ensure that non-lawyer Barbara Kuehn may check the contents of the norm, and then discovers that have lied to a prosecutor Ostermann .

people in the prosecution Dortmund raging madness. I will still charge against Stain for the attention of Lt. Ostermann. OSTA report Petra Hermes, let's see what they come then. :)

other documents I have set, a statement of the lawyer Michael Limbacher, Unna, in the trial of Hans Pytlinski at AG Moenchengladbach, and the decision of the AG Mönchengladbach:

http://die-volkszeitung.de/ua/ schwalmtal/21-april-2006/verf-gegen-pytlinski/scans-limbacher-ag.html

http://die-volkszeitung.de/ua/schwalmtal/21-april-2006/verf-gegen-pytlinski / scans-Accel ag.html

Both also accessible via:


If I had a perfect Dr.-father in sight, I would like to give my Dr. jur. . Make Theme of the doctoral thesis: "The anatomy of the law in the German judiciary in the 21st century."

theses, including:

first Is claimed by someone, the German justice constitutes criminal have / criminal act, so any objective discussion avoided with these allegations, is from then on, specifically on psychiatrization of the Prosecutor.

second When German Justice has outmaneuvered a result of manifold breaches of the law, it pulls a lubrication expert from his pocket, the process / unfitness certifies, represents the proceedings. In subsequent process is simply done as if a conviction was certain, had not led process / negotiation inability to adjust. Furthermore, the report always contain the lubricating grease and diagnoses into the drive deeper into the prosecutor Pychiatrisierung.

The show can be the basis of my method on the LG Dortmund, but also to the case against Hans Pytklinski, which ran at AG Mönchengladbach.

the German judicial system is a bucket Satanic SS-shit.



Winfried, United Anarchists

Imprint: http://www.winfried-sobottka.de/


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