Monday, March 15, 2010

32 Weeks Pregnant Abdominal Sore Spots

To our specialists.

love sisters and brothers!

Both my own case, see also:


and the case of Hans Pytlinski, which among other lawyer Limbacher from Unna "flipped" it became obvious as well as I started today been transferred case in which several lawyers initially useful to state injustice, then betrayed, but their clients virtually make it clear that off the satanic BRD system not only unpleasant Legal unlawful , see eg: schmidt.html

but that lawyers who move against criminal practices of the judiciary and other government departments to field, generally "turned around" be.

Well, for such a "no time" there are different ways of coercion is the cheapest. The normal German heart was in his pants when he receives anonymous threats, it is possible to imagine that the police, he is not willing to help in the matter.

cheaper it gets.

people, Hans Pytlinski needs qualified criminal defense. One is they can not afford to be without the criminal system uncomfortable.

ie, I would like a precautionary measure it clear that there are such cases in two ways: either you give the criminal system is defeated, or it is ensured that lawyers who That use will not be reversed.

Well, as you know, I consider myself a journalist in our cause. The short story goes Apocalypse 20xx but also to non-journalistic nature of the psychological struggle:

I warn to think the rich journalistic battle among all conceivable circumstances from. It may only be sufficient as long as it is possible to allow lawyers to act against the injustice system with means counsel.

The Norbert Plandor I have known for decades. He disputes over completely to have been put under pressure. Rechtsanwalt Limbacher would The dispute also guaranteed. Any lawyer who was put under pressure, would deny that.

There are reasons that I have been the name of the lawyer, which is provided for the defense of Hans Pytlinski, have not been disclosed.

If you should have no strategies to move the SS-Satanists to be relinquished on criminal coercion measures to paralysis of honest lawyers, then you should consider such strategies to you very quickly and take measures of prevention. We have to cope with the lawyers out there, real heroes on the part of German lawyers are not known to me.

We have make the Dortmund police and judiciary on the bar and thread ready, if Dr. Norbert Plandor would not be shitting their pants full.

If we like in the case Mönchengladbach / Viersen experience / Schwalmtal, then we would not be a battle, but have lost the war by peaceful means.

you're on the course, if we do not want to lose this war.






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