Saturday, March 20, 2010

Has Anyone Recieved Their Tax Refund Early

only pretending.

Dear sisters and brothers!

Today I have a long day behind me, was traveling nearly 11 hours. I was with Barbara Kuehn and her brother at a lawyer Lutz Schaefer in Riegenroth. He will sign up on the weekend before the Court in Moenchengladbach and at short notice for a meeting with Hans Pytlinski endeavor that awaits him.

Should anyone try to put pressure on him, I gave the pledge of Lutz Schaefer that he would inform me immediately. Should anything happen to him, or should he walk in a manner comparable Plandor, then we know who is behind it, and then I remember no more, how to handle it without kicking back with the same means.

I will do anything even apart from PR, but should also put pressure on these law, then should those who are have prepared a long time for plastic inserts, to show what they can. On terrorism must be dealt with terrorism, or is not possible to fight against injustice.

those that should not fit anything, share a precaution, I once again my address:

Winfried Sobottka, Karl-hair-Str . 75, 44536 Lünen.

Anyone who thinks so, he would make anyone pressure, may at any time feel free to contact me.



Winfried Sobottka, United Anarchists



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