Monday, April 11, 2005

No Cervical Mucus Before Bfp

Video: Project week

The änlässlich this project week produced film was first shown at the open day on 16 April. A brief synopsis, we will show you in advance.
video format for ADSL / Cable (Flash Stream)

Monday, April 4, 2005

Metalcore Screaming Rehab

looking back from the perspective of the House Board

Everyone involved deserves congratulations for the successful completion of the project week:

These are first and foremost the students, who, during this week have new experiences and to actively inserted. For me it was very impressive how much effort the students admitted to the requirements to be completed.
is particularly noteworthy the group that organized the farewell party. On Friday evening, we were able to enjoy thanks to their excellent preparatory work by a lavish feast. Highlights translated but also the groups that dealt with the kiosk or break the media group that the events documented in many ways.

Also a big thanks I would like to express the participating teachers and professionals, my thanks. I can not quantify exactly how much time to design a great program for the work. It has a lot of preparation time have been invested, as in all courses and areas was remarkable dedication and heart and soul felt.

We have this week the areas of rules, laws, Behavior in the group in many different facets to know. Much has become aware of another has experienced the individual student or the individual student again.
To some extent as a by-product is a new House rules for the new school-related Kronenwiese emerged. The future will show whether the new order proved whether the fire, which this week was felt on all involved to keep in the near future will continue.

Sunday, April 3, 2005

Things To Say On An Engagement Card

slideshow for project week, final

The statements from the students photographs were yesterday turned into a little slide show and then presented on the feast of good manners. A temporary and easy shortened version, we still have the same Afternoon posted online. Now the final version is online. Have fun!

slideshow, small format for slow connections (Flash Stream)
slide show, larger format for ADSL / Cable (Flash Stream)

Model Building Supplies Wood Stove

celebration of good manners

The feast of good manners was the culmination of this project week. A successful business with a wonderful meal, a great atmosphere and a cultivated audience. Many thanks to Mr. Ruoff and his crew for the successful staging and the many parents who have donated to us for the final 54 different desserts buffet.

to Gallery

Where Do I Get Bonded In Ontario

Just before the hard

Students are introduced by the board of the student council in the rules of etiquette at the table and the Tenüvorschriften.

to Gallery

Friday, April 1, 2005

Word To Congratulate Now Boby

New House Rules

During the project week, a new house rules are created. Pupils and teachers were in constant dialogue over a long period of consultations, coordination and joint discussions. During the project week was finally voted on proposals to like throughout the different sections of the house rules. The present, new house rules is thus a joint work by pupils, students and teachers.
not just the house rules itself, but also penalties for rule violations have been discussed in broad discussion with all parties involved and coordinated.

New House Rules (PDF)

Can Guinea Pigs Camouflage?

clothing collection

Students must read a four-page text on school uniforms. In this text, they interviewed a few people, whether they are for or against the school uniform. Two students go to school in Berlin, are against the school uniform, because not all the same color are good or they are too expensive, perhaps. Other students, however, are in favor because it then would be no branding. Also, a disadvantage of the school uniform is that they are not a man's character shows. You must after reading on the blackboard to write what are the advantages and disadvantages of school uniform.

after you had two pictures, take a picture of the contours of a woman, and one had the outlines of a man to the marked men and women paint clothes, which they do with water colors. Then they had to choose the fabric and glue back to the drawing.

Timo, Fabian and Thomas

Wedding Invite Wording Samples In Spanish

Your performance

The first task was that they had to write sentences in a group or part thereof to an end. They could write whatever they wanted, even if it was rude or indecent. They discussed in groups of four about what they write should. When all groups had finished writing, they sat in a circle. Now they had to describe how the actor was listed. They had to assess the varying points of view, as he does what in your spare time, he was in school, etc. Sometimes, the groups said very different things, such as the one group said that he was good at school, and a Another group found that it certainly was a bad student. Now, the students had to also be active. Namely, they had to walk around the room and then at a certain place where they felt comfortable to remain standing. After a while they had to perform role plays. Someone had to pretend as if he would be a new student. He had to answer questions about themselves, these questions came from the other students. Now a group of three had to play a clique. Another student had to play like that, as if they really wanted in the clique. This demonstration was played twice, once with a group of women and once with a group of men. After a few performances of the pupils they went into the break.

Fabian and Timo