Monday, November 29, 2010

My Dogs Nipples Are Swollen Is She Pregnant

"Brawl" looking at the butchery

As you can see wild boar, the premises of Butchers mostly as a club or back in the window. It was different last Saturday in a butcher in Rhineland-Palatinate Rhineland-Pfalz.Im Höhr Grenzhausen-last weekend of the black gown was going on. Saturday morning stormed a 90 kilo boar a butcher. The saleswoman took refuge in the kitchen. A 72-year-old client was injured in their hasty retreat slightly on the door of the business. The Lower raged in time on the sales floor and caused a damage estimated at about 2,000 €. 70 spectators watched the event from the butcher. A hunter was taken by the police for help. He managed the "black coat" Hooligan "to kill. The hunted boar waits Now in the cold room to clarify the ownership of the game. Maybe he migrates as a roast on the table of the affected butcher.


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chester's Fries Haraam

craftsmen ......

craftsmen looking casual manor on black and predators, gladly help in the area. Acquisition of venison at a fair price is guaranteed! Just as the art of hunting with me in the foreground, am not a trophy hunter! Contact via mail or telephone. For phone contact call mailbox, then back in the evening. Interest in long-term hunting opportunity, if necessary with Mitpacht or commission bill.